Gone are the days when relatives, barbers and pundits would search match for a girl or boy. Now there are professionals for match making. They compute precisely all aspects and suggest suitable match.

But is there a guarantee that the relation will not break. Will it not be worthwile to give a warranty period of two or more years for durability of relation. The marriage counsellors should return the fee or arrange another match free if relations breaks within the warranty period.

Insurance companies can also enter the field. Marriage relation can also be a subject matter of insurance. Afterall now relatio like marriage is also commercial.


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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I don't any counsellor possess and would ever possess that kind of super human capacity to ensure success of any marital relationship!
I think professional relation managers doesnot help in the same. It is the bond between both the partners boy and girl to decide their future.
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