Cell phones are most fatal. Brain is the most important part of anatomy and overuse of cell phones may cause brain cancer.


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Yes it is causing brain cancer

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I get extensive press coverage of the most destructive effect of mindless use of it but what has been shocking particularly are deaths reported involving youngsters who were so glued to their mobile sets that they had to pay with their lives under crushing wheels of trains!!
Yes,not only brain cancer,it also causes migrane and ear pain.Everyone should try to reduce the usage of mobiles.Thank you for sharing.
I also read a news today in news paper and has been thinking about it for long hours.

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Yes it is harm ful, and cel phones should not be kept near to heart, many men keep on the top pocket of their shirts, its harm ful


I think youngsters have more chances of getting affected by these cell phones..
yes brother you are right over uses of cell phone cause brain cancer.
Yes, This is the alarming news those who use mobile phone...
but cellphones are the part of life . as people are connected through it in an easier way . any type of emergence call be made through it .the point is that we should lowers down the use of cellphones to avoid diseases.
It is really harmful. We should use it only in emergency.

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