Cancer is not so dreadful. We should not fear the disease but take early steps to cure it. Delay should be feared and not the disease.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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But i feel it is very difficult to identify the symptoms of cancer. Lung cancer is another such dreadful disease very hard to identify.
Cancer is definitely dreadful and neither cure nor diagnosis is easy. Here we discuss and inform on latest opinion and research. It is not necessary for readers to agree with any conclusions. I agree that there are many types of cancer and these are hard to identify and treat. research is continuous process and we only hope and try that people do not suffer from this.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I agree and it is good to have checkup regularly and awarness is also needed.:(
really, I agree early treatment and diagnosis is a must or otherwise sometimes it becomes too late to cure...
Early detection and treatment can go a long way in its cure and lesser pain of all kinds!
I have read that Green tea is capable of preventing the cells from carcinogens. I am not sure of how far it is true.
The food supplements and beverages are preventive and work only as long as you are free of disease. But once someone is hit by the disease, he must seek cure by a qualified doctor.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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