1.71 million users have opted for mobile number portability.


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Ya its a good thing where user can choose the operator who provides good network and offers for the customers, which can be approached also it will be so good if a user from one state can switch over to the other state as its a major drawback many user faces[spoiler][/spoiler]
But is it possible to swap the networks across states?.I think it is not feasible in MNP.
Yes the facility is really very useful for people who want to go for good network..without changing number
Yes it is really a good facility since many people want to retain the numbers they have been using from a long time, so that they don,t get into the hazards of giving numbers to all the people of their contacts...
Its good to know that so many people have opted mobile number portability
Yes this is really interesting thought it must end the border of the state and a number can be used for a longer duration of time. :P
yes MNP is really good, but the port in request are being rejected to the numbers of BSNL..
Why it is rejected for BSNL users?. Any specific reason behind it?
because many are moving out of BSNL so they are stopping the port in request. i tried twice but was rejected..
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