A dark matter galaxy near the milky way has been discovered. There may be many more such galaxies.


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Is that true and hope we are able to find a planet like earth and hope we can have a good understanding between them.

This is new information and hope the discovery is profitable to human race. :)
Thank you for sharing the information, keep posting more and more

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Thank you for sharing this useful information hope to see more such information in future.

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I have no idea about this forum so i cannot comment on that.
chandan kumar wrote:
[quote]I have no idea about this forum so i cannot comment on that.[/quote]

Chandan- Such posts are spam. If you have no idea, you need not post. The discussion is for sharing information and views and just saying- "I have no idea'. If you wish to comment even if you have no idea, search for information and form opinion for participating.

You have written similarly in many posts. This is not acceptable.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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