Does age gap in a couple matter. Here are some examples of age gap and the effect thereof.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Age gap is the important for a couple.To my view, age gap should be 1 to 5 years.More than that is not much good.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

An age gap of 3-4 years is considered Ok.Anything more than that is not advisable.If the age difference is more,the expectations would be more and understanding would be bit difficult.
nagalakshmi.karunanidhi wrote:
[quote]An age gap of 3-4 years is considered Ok.Anything more than that is not advisable.If the age difference is more,the expectations would be more and understanding would be bit difficult.[/quote]

The age gap is not so important as compatibility to each other in terms of understanding and love. Also the ideal gap will differ with actual age. To elucidate, the age gap between a thirty year and twenty years is not same as that between twenty and ten. The gap will look even smaller between fifty and forty years.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I personnally wonudnt leave too big a chink between tham as you want them to have and all wish to had a bigger age gap for deep understanding

The age gap factor between couple should be minimum. Because I thing that can help to creat a friendly relationship between them . They can sort out things easily by talking to each other .
In some condition age gap does matter but if both are compatible to each other, if they seems to be in very comfortable position, then i don't think that age gap matter. My answer is neutral.
If I would have caught in such situation , then i would not think about the age. I would just think that we are comfortable with each other not.

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mental and physical matching of the couple may pose some problem.
no age gap between couple
If there is no age gap , there will be much understanding between them as they can understand each other because they both are of same age.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

When age difference is too much they would surely lack understanding.It would not be a friendly relation ship rather it would be a master student relation ship.
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