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My hearty congratulations to all the winners of daily forum activator award. Nice to see the number of posts too..
Thank you ronark.And congratulations to all dfaa winners. :) :)

Earn money just for joining in this site.

I am happy to see my name in the list and thank you to ronark for announcing the results and congratulation to all DFAA winners.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

This is the continous winning of dfaa when it was announced everytime my name is there.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

This is the continous winning of dfaa when it was announced everytime my name is there.

congrats sasi and sarala for continuous winning. Keep rocking.

This is the continous winning of dfaa when it was announced everytime my name is there.

Congratulations to all the winners.Number of post is a good one.But DFA should not be based on only number of posts.

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Sasi and sarala I think both you are most active and you both deserve it.
Congratulation to all of you. All members try to be active more and more.

Want to make each day Accountable

nice initiative to make members participate more in the website's activity...n moreover this is advantageous for both-the members as well as the website.

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