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Hey ronark will you announce today the dfaa you posted on 3 rd januaury.

Ok.I will announce it tonight.

Want to make each day Accountable

Thank you said by: Sasikanth
ronark we waiting for the Daily forum activator award. So please announce as soon as possible

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

DFAA Results are as follows :

4th January : Sasikanth(84 Posts)
5th January : Sasikanth(96 Posts)
6th January : VidhiMayur(37 Posts)
7th January : Sarala(43 Posts)
8th January : V.ArunKumar(68 Posts)

Thanks to everyone.

Want to make each day Accountable

DFAA Results are as follows :

4th December : Sasikanth(84 Posts)
5th December : Sasikanth(96 Posts)
6th December : VidhiMayur(37 Posts)
7th December : Sarala(43 Posts)
8th December : V.ArunKumar(68 Posts)

Congratulation to all winners.
This is first time with no of posts.
congratulation to all the DFAA winners. Nice to know their names with no. of quality posts on that day. this will create interest to all members to make more quality posts.

[quote]congratulation to all the DFAA winners. Nice to know their names with no. of quality posts on that day. this will create interest to all members to make more quality posts.[/quote]
yes it is true.
I think we all members need to work more on forum and other section,so that we could increase the traffic and earn more.

Want to make each day Accountable

I haven't found a good competition in forum section at all. Please all members try to be active more and more here.

Want to make each day Accountable

Yes we should continue with some more effort as the participation is very low now a days.
All members should atleast spend couple of hours here in boddunan.

Want to make each day Accountable

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