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11 years ago
Actually, I am new in this site.. I am really impressed to seeing your activities and also getting a lot of help from your replies.....
So, again a lot of thanks on behalf of me......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, again a lot of thanks on behalf of me......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Biswajit Kr. Nath
11 years ago
Actually, I am new in this site.. I am really impressed to seeing your activities and also getting a lot of help from your replies.....
So, again a lot of thanks on behalf of me......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You need not thank me again and again. Not only me, every member will help you and our respected Moderators. Most of your doubts would have been answered had you seen and studied the FAQ. Please do it immediately.
11 years ago
Thank you all for your valuable feedback. Let me put my thoughts on what is the goal.
- this program is no way meant to identify the most valuable members overall, otherwise it would be a one time task and not a monthly. the program is only to recognize the people for a corresponding month. I agree about the title. it will be changed due course.
- I disagree with the comments about not recognizing the overall top contributors, read most valuable members. Seniors here knows more than anyone else.
- the final decision will not be taken based only on the votes as I clearly mentioned in my first post.
[quote]Earlier too many such attempts under various avatars like 'member of the month' , 'forum activator' and all that were tried and withdrawn without assigning any reasons.
I am sorry but that was never been the case,
- Involving the editors/moderators as deciding panel will automatically makes them ineligible them to participate in the contest which is the reason for not considering this point.
I believe I answered most of the questions if not all. Let me know.
This programme is really worth appreciating. This not only recognizes members' overall peformance but also involves all members by giving them voting rights. Even less inactive member will go through the site and exercise vote. Voting is only an element in overall exercise. I respect Chinmoy but I must say that it is more necessary to encourage current performance rather than honour the past activities. We live in present and so this is most significant.
No I don't think its worth to evaluate a user's performance I don't think voting is appropriate method to do so there should be something else as this way it may happen that people may vote whom they like irrespective of if the member is active or not. :blink:
I agree that people may vote one whom they like. Popularity is also a merit that needs be recognized. Voting is just one of many other factors. Voting alone will not be decisive.[/quote]
Exactly voting alone cannot decide a valuable member something else like number of points collected in a month plus cash credit may also be considered while deciding it. :blink:
11 years ago
Thank you all for your valuable feedback. Let me put my thoughts on what is the goal.
- this program is no way meant to identify the most valuable members overall, otherwise it would be a one time task and not a monthly. the program is only to recognize the people for a corresponding month. I agree about the title. it will be changed due course.
- I disagree with the comments about not recognizing the overall top contributors, read most valuable members. Seniors here knows more than anyone else.
- the final decision will not be taken based only on the votes as I clearly mentioned in my first post.
[quote]Earlier too many such attempts under various avatars like 'member of the month' , 'forum activator' and all that were tried and withdrawn without assigning any reasons.
I am sorry but that was never been the case,
- Involving the editors/moderators as deciding panel will automatically makes them ineligible them to participate in the contest which is the reason for not considering this point.
I believe I answered most of the questions if not all. Let me know.
This programme is really worth appreciating. This not only recognizes members' overall peformance but also involves all members by giving them voting rights. Even less inactive member will go through the site and exercise vote. Voting is only an element in overall exercise. I respect Chinmoy but I must say that it is more necessary to encourage current performance rather than honour the past activities. We live in present and so this is most significant.
No I don't think its worth to evaluate a user's performance I don't think voting is appropriate method to do so there should be something else as this way it may happen that people may vote whom they like irrespective of if the member is active or not. :blink:
I agree that people may vote one whom they like. Popularity is also a merit that needs be recognized. Voting is just one of many other factors. Voting alone will not be decisive.
Exactly voting alone cannot decide a valuable member something else like number of points collected in a month plus cash credit may also be considered while deciding it. :blink:[/quote]
Everything that reflects your performance will be taken in to consideration from the presence of the member in the site to the performance index in all the features of the site. In this process, voting is just one way to measure the performance of the member.
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