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This is very good category to earn more points like this also.
Sir, one of my articles submitted for contest, is not reviewed by you. Though editor's comments are there, it's not showing approved. Green leaf showing 'new'. Can you check please?
All articles submitted later are approved and a few of them got cash credits too.
Green leaf indicates that it is not yet reviewed by any editor or at least it is not properly reviewed. Send a mail to support with the url.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

This is very good category to earn more points like this also.

Lakshmi, There is no point now in article approval .
Maverick: I had refreshed her account, please let me know if it is fixed.

Sir, still it is not showing any tool bar. Can you please solve this problem.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sarala why this is happening?
just change your browser and try please.
If you want I can send you firefox setup.
Sir, one of my articles submitted for contest, is not reviewed by you. Though editor's comments are there, it's not showing approved. Green leaf showing 'new'. Can you check please?
All articles submitted later are approved and a few of them got cash credits too.
Green leaf indicates that it is not yet reviewed by any editor or at least it is not properly reviewed. Send a mail to support with the url.

Sir, one of our editors has told me, it's an approved one. so, what to do? :huh: :huh:
"My Vishu celebrations last year ". Can you check it please?

Meera sandhu
Sir, one of my articles submitted for contest, is not reviewed by you. Though editor's comments are there, it's not showing approved. Green leaf showing 'new'. Can you check please?
All articles submitted later are approved and a few of them got cash credits too.
Green leaf indicates that it is not yet reviewed by any editor or at least it is not properly reviewed. Send a mail to support with the url.

Sir, one of our editors has told me, it's an approved one. so, what to do? :huh: :huh:
"My Vishu celebrations last year ". Can you check it please?

Sandhya send a mail to him with url as he said in previous.
Maverick, the problem got resolved now, i got the editor. Thank you somuch

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sir, one of my articles submitted for contest, is not reviewed by you. Though editor's comments are there, it's not showing approved. Green leaf showing 'new'. Can you check please?
All articles submitted later are approved and a few of them got cash credits too.
Green leaf indicates that it is not yet reviewed by any editor or at least it is not properly reviewed. Send a mail to support with the url.

Sir I opened the article using 'edit' option and submit it again...
again it's showing green leaf.....not yellow leaf.
Editor's comments also visible as before.
Also, it's not possible to know its article link now. What to do now?
Shall I send a mail, just giving the title of the article?

Meera sandhu
Sir, one of my articles submitted for contest, is not reviewed by you. Though editor's comments are there, it's not showing approved. Green leaf showing 'new'. Can you check please?
All articles submitted later are approved and a few of them got cash credits too.
Green leaf indicates that it is not yet reviewed by any editor or at least it is not properly reviewed. Send a mail to support with the url.

Sir, one of our editors has told me, it's an approved one. so, what to do? :huh: :huh:
"My Vishu celebrations last year ". Can you check it please?

Sandhya send a mail to him with url as he said in previous.

no way to know it's url.
Already I have submitted a festival article, that can't be considered for contest......
If it's not corrected, 3 more needed :huh: :huh: :blink:

Meera sandhu
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