MenWoodThrushcuAll people want to be something or another in life. May be if we were not a human being we may have not thought of it. Do we know what animals and birds think? Do they also fall in love? May be if we were not a human being we may have being a bird. We could have been any bird may be crow , sparrow, owl, any bird. First thoughts that will come in your mind would be that Is their life better than us or Our life is better. We can only know about it if we were a bird or think about being a bird.  Let me try to think that i am a bird. What differerent things would i have done being a bird?

If i was a bird i would be tension free and just keep flying from one place to another may be do a world tour some way. It would be a great enjoyment to feel  different types of climate .  It would be great fun to go to different trees and enjoy in them. Eat different fruits from different trees. i would love eating my favourate fruits from different trees. There would be no noise pollution, no air pollution on trees and i would love staying calmly on different trees. Being a bird it would be great pleasure and excitement to fly very high in the air. I would love to challenge the other birds and go as high as possible.It would be great fun to see the land, trees, plants, human beings from such a great height. I would make different birds from different places my friends. i would dance with them, sing with them, eat with them, travel with them and have fun. Being a bird i would have enjoyed getting wet in the rain water .I would try to never fight with other birds and live happily with what i have or what i get.i would hate the people who would cut trees and destroy the living of me and my other friends.i would make lot of noise if i see such type of people and also tell other birds to make lot of noise when any one cuts any tree. This would make the people realise that they are harming us and destroying our living place.Trees are important to us birds and also to them but they dont understand it. Being a bird i would have married any another bird who likes me. I would love to have family and staying with them. I will love bringing food for my children. I would give my children all types of fruits and i will go far daily to find them.

Being a bird may be completly different then what it feels being a human being. Being a bird we may be very small looking and may not be that strong and confident as we are as human beings. The only difference would be that we will be able to go to far places as bird without any transport required which may be not possible as human beings. The life of a bird would be completly different from a human being may be a lot of enjoyment or little less than being a human being.

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