All of us need shelter. We build houses to live in. birds also need some place to live. Most of the birds build nests to live. Different birds make nests in different ways and at different places.

Birds build their nests to live. You have seen sparrows’ buildings their nests in a corner of your house. Many questions come to our mind.

Why do the birds build their nests?

What materials do the birds use for buildings their nests?

When birds do build their nests? Do they build their nests all the year round or only at certain times of the year?

Let us understand these interesting questions.

Why do birds their nests?

A) Birds build their nests to lay eggs.

B) Birds build their nests to hatch their eggs and reproduce their young ones.

C) Birds build their nests to protect and feed their young ones until they are ready to fly their own.

D) Birds build their nests to give shelter to their young ones from heat, cold rain and wind.

E) Birds build their new nests when they have to lay eggs again.

When do birds build their nests?

* In India, birds build their nests mostly in the moths of February and March. Thus, the birds build their nests before the start of summer and rains.

Where do birds build their nests?

A) Birds make their nests in safe place where enemies cannot harm them.

B) Birds build their nests at places where they can easily get food.

C) Most birds build their nests on trees, in the broken walls, old buildings, skylight, ventilators etc. some birds build their nests on tops of fans.

D) Birds use grass, feathers, twigs, paper, old clothes, rags, cotton, wool, small leaves, etc. to build their nests. It is really a fun to watch those carrying materials in their beaks to the nesting to the nesting places. They work very hard to build their nests.

E) They fly again and again to collect the materials in their nests.

F) They make the nests warm and cozy for their young ones.

Different types of nests of the birds

Different birds make different types of nests. Let us see how some birds make their nests.

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