Plants and trees
We depend on pants and trees for of our needs. Trees give us fresh air, food, shelter, fuel, medicines and many other things. We must protect them.
Three in the forests
Trees which grow in the forests are looked after by the forest department. The trees are protected from people who try to cut down to sell the wood. The law does not all cutting of trees.
The tribal people who live in forested areas also look after the forests. They know the forests well and do not harm them. They eat the edible parts of the plants found in the forest and use some plants to make medicines.
Some plants grow without being planted. They are called wild plants.
Berries grow wild. Some wild
Plants are useful as we use their flowers, seeds. Leaves and bark.
Some wild plants are unwanted. They do not let the useful plants grow. Such plants, known as weeds, should be pulled out regularly.
Trees planted by the government
In cities and towns, the municipal bodies plant saplings and look after them. They also maintain gardens and parks which have trees and other flowering plants. In villages, the panchyats looks after the plants.
When you travel out of the plants city by road, you see trees on both sides of the road. These trees have been planted to give shade and check soil erosion. They are maintained by the government.
Plants we grow
People grow plants in and around their homes and offices. These are domestic plants. The Tulasi plant is an example of a domestic plant.
Ravi’s grandfather has planted many Neem trees around their house. Neem trees purity the air. Its leaves and bark are used to make medicines. Ravi’s mother has grown mint, coriander and curry plants in the kitchen garden. She also planted jasmine plant. It bears white flowers that spread fragrance all round. Ram’s father has made a small orchard. He has planted mongo, guava, jamun and papaya trees in it.