Fuzaba is a very useful tool using which we can create the UML models on a fly. More than that we can easily export the UML models into the Java Classes. This will drastically reduces our time in developing the applications.
You can use it with the most popular IDE MyEclipse. The plugin for MyEclipse is very useful if you are using MyEclipse.
  • Fujaba Tool Suite combines UML Class diagrams and UML Behaviour diagrams(Story Diagrams) to a powerful, easy to use, yet formal system design and specification language.
  • Fujaba Tool Suite supports the generation of Java sourcecode out of the whole design which results in an executable prototype.
  • Moreover the way back is provided, too (to some extend so far, not for productive use), so that Java sourcecode can be parsed and represented within UML.
  • The Fujaba Tool Suite RE Edition is especially configured with plugins for Reverse Engineering and Design Pattern recognition.
The latest version of the Fuzaba can be downloaded here.

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