Deep beneath the conscience of the sky
a paradise is withering,
and a demystifying cadavery
bores into its life,
There is a dismal spell
that cackles, and claws
that dwindle with foretold defeat,
the defeat of life
The soil cries,
as it kisses blood involuntarily
and the clouds moan,
it's raining arrows,
the blight of war looms!
and mottles the leaves of peace
You would marvel at the
wizardry of the shrapnels
and how their breathe of fire,
sells tickets to hell,
by the devil's franchise
war, the mighty artist,
the exact painting of disaster
and the reward
for misunderstanding,
in the museum of differences,
trust is beheaded
and militance continues to
paint the picture of corpses
and the battery of innocence
babies crying,
fathers dying
and mothers crying
war is the mosaic effect
that discolours their skin
into death,
till they rot and merge
with the soil,
and become the
tattered clay of misery
as the wailing clock ticks.
By Kakraba Afful