Who is God? or what is God? You can't really know which question is more appropriate. Is God someone within us or it’s just an imagination which people use to escape from fear, responsibility, etc, or the most appropriate reason of having hope. It’s strange that in a world where human race has advanced to newer heights and science is giving explanation to every process happening within the universe, people still believe in GOD. Though there are exceptions i.e. bunch of people who don't believes in GOD (Which is lesser in number). But the most interesting part is that these nonbelievers of GOD, call for miracles, or help when they are in definite need of something.
The reason that most people believe in GOD is may be due to our living environment i.e. as a child we see our predecessors kneeling down before GOD or praying for hours when in need of something desperately, we also start believing in it. There has to be something about GOD that people around the world go to churches, Mosques, temples, etc just to pray (or should I say demand something). All of us demand things from GOD which are kind of difficult to have or things which we don't have like happiness, hope, power, etc.
But the strangest thing is that the people who believe in GOD or who pray to GOD believe that GOD has sent us to earth and GOD made us what we really are. If GOD did all this then what is the point in asking GOD that the things GOD didn't provide us with .There has to be a reason for that who else will know most reason better than the almighty himself and if GOD has already written our fate then I think he want us to prey.
I have seen people sacrifice themselves in the name of GOD. Now it’s a strange prospect as what will GOD get if we put holes in our body, with nails, starve ourselves from dusk to dawn. Those who do such things say that this is to make GOD happy. Seeing his own creation in pain. I think we are forgetting what GOD is.
If you really want to sacrifice something. Sacrifice your time, to spend time with those who love you. Sacrifice your money to some¬one who doesn't have it so that he can make a day’s meal. Instead of walking hundreds of miles to a church, temple etc, help someonewhat who can't. These things feel more sacred than the previous ones which set an example to GOD itself.
Some people think that everything is govrerned by science and that there is no GOD, only science. Let me tell you something all these things which we have on earth like water, nees, air, materials, metals, other life forms, etc. i.e. which we call our resources nature's gift. Isn't it a big coincidence that our life depends on all these resources within earth and all that we need to in here?
If we look out of earth we see a star giving light and energy, etc to us. i.e. a source to provide light to us. Also another coincidence the presence of moon which controls the waves in sea and the perfect distance of our earth from sun so, that life could be sustained within this planet etc. Now there are large number coincidences within this small planet.
You still believe in coincidences?
If you still don't believe in GOD, search him inside yourself because that is the closet place where you could find him because GOD is everywhere and nowhere. Just believe in GOD because he is the only person with you no matter where you are? What you are? or what you have done? Because GOD is Love.