Future? how often you think about -How will be my life in future? How much i will earn? What kind of job i will do? . All of us mostly think about this things as we want to secure our future and have a good life in future. We do not know what will happen in future and we cant control everything but we can do somethings which will help us to get a good future ahead.
One should plan and do everything in life. One should do such a thing which suits oneself and which will help to secure the future. Some people think to enjoy life and only think about the present this is a wrong type of attitude one should think about the present and the future both otherwise one can suffer in the future.
Future planning should be done by one at the early stage of life. One should do proper planning from when one is studying . He should planned what kind of study he wants to do in future, how much money will be require for it and how much time he will need to put in.A student needs to properly plan the future according to one choice and liking and he shouldn't copy what other students are doing.A student should make a proper plan and goal to achieve something in life.
For a person who is doing a job or his business needs to properly plan about his future. A person doing a job would plan to do proper work and getting promotion in future. A businessman should plan to save money and investing money in different ways. A businessman is a person who can go ahead and become successful just by proper planning.
For a person who is working also needs to plan his life after retirement. One should know that after retirement their will be no salary which he is getting when he has job. One need to save for the future and also needs to invest in some retirement for securing the life after retirement.
Thus there is a need for everyone to plan and secure the future.