1. In a science class, the Teacher asks one of the students: “What is the use of a honey bee?” The student answers: “It gives us honey.” Satisfied the teacher puts another questiont to the class: “Good! So, now, what is the use of a leather jacket?” A voice at the back bench comes: “It gives us leather!”
2.The Physical instructor calls Amar and tells him: “Amar, please give your height and weight.” Amar says "Yes Sir” and accordingly gives his height and waits.
3.A student 'A' in a classtoom notices another student 'B' sitting near to him briskly scratching his hand. The concerned student 'A' asks him: “ Here, do you have pruritus?” Bewildered, the other student 'B' replies “No, we have only pencil and rubber”
4. A student, trying to grasp the fundmatals of computers, sees an empty computer in the lab and sits in front of it. The lab instructor comes behind and cautions him, "Ravi, Take another system, that system is infected by a virus. The student, in a bid to pacify the instructor, says "Its ok Sir, tomorrow I will call my father. He is a doctor and will give the necessary injection!"
5.The science teacher is explaining thus-
“The cell phone works on the principle that a region is divided into many cells.” “Teacher”, comes an innocent query from the back, “if that is the case, are we in prisons?”
6. The teacher writes on the board "3+4=9" and asks the class "Students, does this make any sense?" A student from the back-bench jokingly replies "Yes teacher, It makes non-sense."
7. One day, Ravi saw his classmate Shyam, holding a new book in his hand. Ravi, out of curiousity, came to his friend's place and casually enquired him "Shyam, how much is that book?" Shyam replies "Hmm, I think it is about 2 kgs!"