Software development life cycle or SDLC is a collection of well defined ordered steps which a software designer follows to build the software. These steps are called development phase. The steps used in SDLC are as follows:

1.) Feasibility Study, 2.) Requirement Analysis and Specification 3.)System Analysis and Design 4.)Coding and Unit Testing 5.)Integration and System Testing 6.)Maintenance.

1.) Feasibility Study: In this phase it is checked if it is technically and economically possible or not to build the software.

2.) Requirement Analysis and Specification: In this phase the system analyst interviews the customers to know the requirements and then write down the requirements in SRS document.

3.) System Analysis and Design: In this phase the requirements are analysed and converted to a form which can be easily transformed to source codes in any standard programming language.

4.) Coding and Unit Testing : Here the each modules of the system design is converted to source codes and each module is tested separately.

5.) Integration and System testing: Each module is added one by one and the partial system is tested.

6.) Maintenance: This is the longest phase in SDLC. Maintenance includes error correction, performance boosting, adaptive maintenance etc.

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