Heart patient should never take any medicine without prescription of his doctor. Usually heart diseases occur when patient suffers from rigidity of blood vessels, constriction of blood vessels, fat and cholesterol deposition, increased blood pressure, diabetes etc..... Thus, most of the medicines given to heart patients are for dilation of blood vessels, controlling blood pressure, controlling blood sugar level, controlling pain etc.....
- Medicines which control pain in the heart:-
To control the pain in angina, doctors prescribe nitroglycerin or glyceryl trinitrate. These medicines are easily available in markets. To control pain in angina, one tablet is kept under the tongue. This group of medicines dilate blood vessels and increases blood flow. Effect of medicine is seen within a short span of two minutes and pain decreases subsequently. Patient immediately gets relief from pain. Due to the effect of these medicines, heart needs to work less. Blood flow from other parts of the body to heart also decreases.
This group of medicines have been used since long time to decrease the pain of angina. They are not very expensive. Heart patients should always keep these medicines near them. Few patients complain of headache as a side effect of these medicines. Such patients should reduce the intake of medicine from one tablet to half tablet.
- Medicines which increase urination:-
With the intake of these medicines, urine output increases from normal. These medicines play an important role in case of heart diseases. When a person suffers from heart disease, water and salt start accumulating in his kidneys. These medicines help the removal of unwanted water and salt from kidneys. This decreases the discomfort of the patient.
These medicines are also used to control high blood pressure. Initially, doctors recommend high blood pressure patients to use these medicines. However, they should not be used for a long duration because they produce ill-effects on kidneys. As a side effect, patient experiences deficiency of potassium in his body. In order to replenish the loss, doctor's prescribe potassium rich tablets.
- Aspirin related medicines:-
Aspirin containing medicines like dispirin is very beneficial for heart patients. Regular intake of these medicines does not allow the formation of blood clots. With their regular intake, risk of heart attack too decreases. Usually doctors advice heart patients to take 1 dose of aspirin daily. Aspirin should not be taken by peptic ulcer patients because it increases bleeding from peptic ulcer.
- Medicines which regulates high blood pressure:-
One of the main causes of heart diseases is high blood pressure. To bring blood pressure under control beta blockers are used. These medicines also decreases the pain of angina. They keep heart beats under control. They reduces tension and stress. Medicines which increases urination also helps to control high blood pressure. Heart beats decreases with the use of beta blockers. As a side effect, it result in weakness. Also, disorders develop in digestive system. In some patients, it also results in infertility in case of men.
- Sedatives and depressants:-
Sedatives are used to reduce pain and depressants are used to reduce mental stress. These medicines are not used directly to treat heart diseases but their indirect use helps a lot. Mental stress produces constriction in arteries. These medicines reduces stress and thus helpful in heart diseases. They keep mind calm, patient falls sleep and he feels relaxed.
- Medicines for coronary artery disorders:-
Calcium channel blocker group of medicines are used to treat disorders of coronary artery. These medicines decrease oxygen demand of coronary artery. They also decrease the pain in angina. Already constricted arteries cannot be treated with these medicines. Calcium cannot exert effect on muscles in presence of these medicines. Some patients complain of headache and uneasiness as side effects of these medicines.
- Medicines which keep heart beats under control:-
Few medicines are used to control heart beats. Verapamil, disopiramide are such medicines. With their intake, heart beats remain under control.
- Vitamin therapy:-
This is a modern therapy which is been successfully tested in case of heart disease patients. In this therapy, patient is given excess dosage of vitamin A, B, B6, B12, C and E and it has proved very beneficial for heart. It is said that with its intake, incidence of heart attack decreases.
Apart from these medicines, other medicines are also readily available in market which helps to reduce cholesterol and decrease weight. It is not wrong to say that medicines have helped a lot in the treatment of heart diseases.
Magnetic therapy is widely used in India today. It is seen that through magnetic therapy, high blood pressure, rigidity of blood vessels and other heart diseases can be cured. Blood in our body contains iron and thus lot of beneficial effects of this therapy is seen.
In this therapy, either a single magnet or groups of magnets are used to treat a patient. These magnets reduce blood pressure, decrease fat content in blood as well as exert beneficial effects in heart diseases. In this therapy, time duration required is quite long. Lots of studies have been done in this field. To ensure proper treatment, specialists guidance and supervision is essential. Many centers have been opened in our country which help to cure diseases through magnetic therapy.
Acupressure therapy is also very beneficial in case of heart diseases. World Health Organization has approved it. With this therapy, diseases and disorders of heart can be cured very well along with other diseases.
In acupressure therapy, pressure is exerted on various parts of the body. Specialists have identified certain points in the body which when pressed with the edge of the pencil or any other similar object for at least 5-6 times, yields good benefits. Majority of these points of acupressure are located in palms, soles of the feet, ears, chest, fingers, knees and back. Beneficial effects are seen on the body when pressure is exerted on these points. Many books on acupressure therapy written by specialists are available in market. This therapy do not exert any side effect. Though treatment is time consuming but is very useful. Increased heart beats, low blood pressure, high blood pressure and heart diseases etc..... can be cured.
- Increased heart beats:-
Healthy individual do not experience beating of his heart unless he tries to feel it by keeping his palm on his heart. In case of high fever, while running or while performing any physical exercise, heart beats rapidly. Heart also beats fast due to fear or due to uneasiness. An individual should go to his doctor for check-up if he does not know the cause of his increased heart beat. This will enable the diagnosis of underlying cause.
To treat increased heart beats, following points can be pressed:-
- A point located 4 inches below the corner of round bone of the bent knee.
- Point located in middle bone of chest in conjunction with an imaginary line joining nipple.
- Low blood pressure:-
If an individual shows 100 m.m. of systolic blood pressure and 60 m.m. of diastolic blood pressure then it is considered to be low blood pressure. Standing for a long time results in decreased blood pressure. Many medicines too are responsible in decreasing blood pressure. Also, many heart diseases result in low blood pressure. If heart sends less amount of blood in blood vessels then a person may suffer from low blood pressure. Blood pressure also lowers when excess of blood is lost from the body. Heat stroke is another cause. Dilation of blood vessels also result in low blood pressure.
Low blood pressure can make a person unconscious. Patient cannot sleep adequately. He experiences headache and giddiness. Many a times, even after been affected with low blood pressure, patient does not show any symptom. Patients heart beat slows down. Blood pressure also lowers as a result of various diseases.
To treat low blood pressure following paints can be pressed:-
- Point located internally on the first joint from upper side of the little finger of the palm.
- Point located near the lower edge of middle portion of chest.
- High blood pressure:-
Heart is an important organ of our body. Its function is to supply blood to various parts of the body. In each part of the body, blood is supplied through blood vessels. When heart constricts, blood present in heart under the pressure passes through blood vessels. Pressure of blood present in blood vessels is known as blood pressure. When blood pressure is more than normal, it is known as high blood pressure. A healthy individual's blood pressure reads 120/80 m.m. As per age, individual's blood pressure varies. Blood pressure can be measured with the help of sphygmomanometer.
Mental stress, anger, obesity etc..... increases blood pressure. Kidney disorders also result in raised blood pressure. Increased blood pressure also result due to rigidity of blood vessels, disorders of hormonal glands, in presence of various heart diseases and in case of pregnancy. Many a times, high blood pressure patient complains of headache. Patient along with headache experiences vomiting, fullness in breath, blurring of vision etc.....
High blood pressure patients should sleep for adequate hours. He should protect himself from mental stress. He should not perform tiring work for long duration. Obese individuals should reduce weight only as per the doctors recommendation. High blood pressure patient should reduce the intake of tea, coffee, alcohol and should not smoke.
To treat high blood pressure, following points can be pressed:-
- Two points each located on either sides of the throat.
- Two points located on the back of the neck just below the hair line.
- Heart pain:-
Function of heart is to supply pure blood to body and receive impure blood from body and send it to lungs. Heart itself needs blood to carry out these functions. Due to any reason when heart receives less amount of blood, pain initiates in heart. Patient experiences stress on heart and pain in the middle portion of chest. This pain usually occurs in heart near left arm side. Many a times, this pain also migrates to back of the neck, jaws and teeth. To perform functions, heart needs lots of blood. In such cases too, heart pain develops. Lots of physical exercises, deficiency of blood, high blood pressure, thyroid disorders etc..... all leads to heart pain. Pain also initiates in heart when heart patients eat vigorously, consume excessively cold food stuffs or on losing temper, during nightmares, or while they lye down in straight position etc..... These kind of heart patients should always keep a contact of their heart specialist with them.
To treat heart pain, following points can be pressed:-
- Point located on the internal corner of nail of the little finger.
- Point located on the lower portion of middle bone of the chest.
Ayurveda has been used since ancient times to treat various disorders of the body. From past few decades, Ayurveda is given a scientific form and used in the treatment of heart diseases.
Ayurveda treatment is based on concept of acidity, gastric troubles and cough. If body is free of these disorders then a person remains healthy. In Ayurveda, heart is considered to be the main source of life. In this therapy, lots of importance is given on control of food intake through diet.
According to Ayurveda:-
- Consumption of gooseberry is considered to be very beneficial for heart disease patients. It is rich in vitamin C.
- With the regular intake of onion and garlic, rigidity of blood vessels get corrected.
- Apple and lemon are also very useful in heart diseases.
- With the intake of honey, heart gains strength.
Apart from these remedies, there are many other medicines which are used in the treatment of heart diseases.
Homeopathic treatment is based on the concept of 'poison kills poison'. It means the thing which is responsible for causing any disorder in body, will also result in curing the disease.
From last few decades, homeopathic treatment has become very popular. It is used in the treatment of various disorders of the body which also includes heart diseases. Different medicines are available to cure different diseases like angina, heart pain, increased heart beat, high blood pressure, low blood pressure etc..... This treatment shows its effect after a long time.
Homeopathic treatment in itself is a vast therapy. Homeopathic medicines should be taken only under the prescription of homeopathic specialist.
Nature's therapy is very beneficial to keep heart healthy. It includes water, air, food, yoga, cleanliness, exercise, sleep, emotions etc.....
- Specialists have called water as nectar. We see some people drinking lots of water as soon as they wake up. We should drink 6 glasses of water after we wake up before brushing our teeth, gargling or washing our face etc..... Initially, drinking so much of water will seem difficult. Amount of water as much as one can afford to drink should be gulped in. Water should be clean and free from impurities. After this, one should walk for 20 minutes or else carry out light exercises. Then, they can go for excretion. Body's waste products will get excreted in urine. Regular consumption of 6 glasses of water will keep internal organs clean. It will keep body and heart healthy.
- One should bath with clean warm water along with little bit of scrubbing action.
- Each and every individual should walk in an open area or park for at least one hour in a day to obtain fresh air. This keep lungs healthy. Blood circulation also occurs properly.
- Mental stress and tension are major causes of heart diseases. Efforts should be put in to carry out all the tasks and the result should be left to God. To remain tension free and stress free, one can meditate. After bath, one should sit calmly and chant the name of the God. He should concentrate and relax his body and keep mind free of all thoughts. This will make a person free from all sorts of stress. Mind will start thinking about other things and will deviate from tension. This is very beneficial for heart patients.
- Nature's therapy also includes food and in this therapy it is given lots of importance. To keep heart healthy, free of diseases and strong, food should be light and healthy. It should be free of spices and excessive oil. Food should be consumed at same time every day. Eating adequate amount of food is good for health, i.e., it should not be eaten very less or in excess. With consumption of fruits, vegetables and juices, heart remains healthy. Fresh milk is always good for health. Food should be consumed at least 3 hours before bed time.
- High blood pressure patients should consume salt as little as possible. They should not consume fat and oily products in large amount. Regular walk yields good benefits on their body.
- Yogasana, pranayama, exercises are all beneficial for health. Consuming fruits, fruit juices, raisins etc..... impart great benefits on health.
- Deficiency of hemoglobin in blood is a dangerous situation to heart. To treat this condition, iron rich diet should be taken. Carrot and spinach are helpful to replenish iron content in body. Vitamin C rich sour fruits are also very beneficial.
Nature's therapy in itself is a vast subject. To know this subject in detail and to cure diseases, therapist can be visited. Apart from these, many other herbs and shrubs are used in the treatment. Some of the important ones are basil, nutmeg, aniseed, garlic, ginger, asafoetida etc..... Treatment of heart diseases through food in itself is a vast topic and every one must obtain good benefits from it by widening their knowledge.
The word 'yoga' is derived from Sanskrit language. It means an activity that creates oneness between soul and supreme soul i.e., God. It was started by Saint Patanjali.
Yoga is closely related with heart. With the help of it not only heart diseases, all sorts of diseases can be cured. In foreign countries, particularly in America lots of importance is given to yoga. This has brought changes in their life styles. Yoga is responsible for the development of physical as well as mental health. It keeps mind calm which will help in self curing of diseases. An individual gains physical as well as mental peace. With the yoga activities, nose, stomach etc..... remain clean, all the body organs remain healthy. Pranayama keeps all respiratory activities smooth. Mind becomes disciplined. Similarly, meditation results in improvement in concentration and freedom from stress and tension. Yoga plays an important role in keeping body and mind healthy.
Yoga has 8 parts:-
Yama:- It enables us to understand the behavior which we have to keep with others. It includes non violence, truth, non-stealing, sense control and freedom from greed.
Niyama:- Our personal life related 5 rules are- purity, happiness, burn desire by disciplined life, self study and oneness with God.
Aasana:- It includes physical activities i.e., body postures.
Pranayama:- It includes breathing related activities.
Pratyahara:- It teaches mind to concentrate on inner world by detaching it from outer world.
Dharana:- It teaches mind to concentrate on someone special like God or saint.
Dhyana:- It teaches mind to concentrate or meditate, not to deviate from the focus and become inseparable from it.
Samadhi:- In this soul and deity acquires oneness with each other.
Last 4 parts of yoga out of 8 i.e., pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi all are related to meditation. Out of these 8 parts, only 3 i.e., aasana, pranayama and dhyana are of more importance to heart. Apart from this, activities which enables cleansing and sleep yoga also have an importance. Before yogasana, pranayama and dhyana it is important to know about cleansing activities and sleep yoga.
- Cleansing activities:-
Cleansing activities enable cleansing of nose, stomach etc..... To prevent one self from heart diseases, it is very essential that nose is kept clean so that breathing takes place properly. This will make sure that oxygen reaches lungs in sufficient amount. It will help in purification of blood. It gives strength to the heart.
To save oneself from heart diseases, stomach should also be kept clean. If stomach is kept healthy then not only person remains free from heart diseases in fact from all sorts of diseases. Enema can be taken occasionally which enables cleaning of stomach. Apart from this, early morning after waking up one should drink 6 glasses of water. If constipation persists then one can take triphala churna or psyllium husk mixed with water or milk.
- Jal neti:-
'Jal' means water. Activity of cleaning nose with water is known as jal neti. Mild warm water is mixed with salt. Patient sits on his knees. He keeps his one hand on one knee. Head should be slightly bent downward and neck should be slightly tilted. Through nose, water is taken inside. Water makes it way from nostril to the mouth. It is then spit out of the mouth. While performing this activity, breathing should be done from mouth. This activity should be done many a times to keep throat and nose clean.
After this activity is completed, person should stand with both his hands kept on back. Neck should be tilted on left and right, moved up and down and air is removed from nose with excess of force. This will make sure all the water comes out of nose. This activity opens up nose and makes respiration easy. It is good for eyes. If this activity is done regularly then a person do not develop disorders of nose, ear and throat. When there is no obstruction and nostrils are open whole of the oxygen through respiration reaches lungs. It gives strength to the heart. This activity should be done daily which will yield great benefits. If not possible, then at least 4 times in a week, it should be performed.
- Kunjal or Gaj Karni:-
Elephant goes near the lake, fills water in its trunk, removes it back and cleans its stomach, in the same way we too through kunjal activity can clean our stomach. It keeps digestive system healthy. In this activity, water is gulped down as soon as possible and removed back. Usually this has to be done on empty stomach. If a person is suffering from stomach disorder or having a feeling of nausea, then by drinking 2-3 glasses of water and there by vomiting one can save himself from uneasiness and restlessness.
To perform this activity, a bucket is filled with warm water. Water should be drunk with the help of glass till stomach gets filled. Person should stand a little bent. Left hand is placed on stomach in the upper portion and this will exert a little pressure on it. Index and middle fingers of right hand are introduced into the throat. Whole of the water will come out when a person will vomit. Efforts should be made to remove all the water. With regular practice, water comes out easily when a person bends a little and molds his tongue in the form of boat.
This activity should be performed 1-2 times in a week to keep stomach healthy. It helps to correct disorders like cough, asthma, constipation, jaundice etc.....
- Yogi sleep (Yoga nidra):-
Yogi sleep or yoga nidra is a physical activity which keeps mind and body calm. Blood circulation improves. All these helps heart to remain healthy and strong. Yoga nidra is essential to remain stress free and tension free.
To perform yogi sleep, park or an open area should be chosen. Yoga mat is spread on the ground and this activity is performed for 15 to 30 minutes duration. Place should be clean, lonely and peaceful. Person has to lye down on yoga mat i.e., he should start with shavasana. Fingers should be pointing sky and hands should be kept little away from body. All the body parts should be left stress free. Breath should be tried to made light and deep. Within few minutes, person will reach yogi sleep stage.
A person should not hear the sound of his breath when he is in yogi sleep position. The whole of the body becomes relaxed and tension free. In yogi sleep person lye down on the ground and feels that right from toe of limb to head everything is dead. First, thumb then feet, knee, thighs, back bone, back of the neck, mouth etc..... all organs one after the other should be left free. Within few minutes, the whole of the body starts feeling been detached. Within short time, person will reach sleep stage. It may be possible that a person may fall asleep. With this, body, mind, heart, everything becomes peaceful. This activity makes body light.
With regular practice person will become an expert in it. This activity keep body healthy, strengthens heart, mind remains free of evil thoughts. This activity is the one which frees a person from all disorders.
- Yogasana:-
Our body has heart, lungs, digestive system, kidneys, glands, various blood vessels and nerve system. Through definite body postures or yogasana, all these parts can become healthy and disorder free. Through body postures, body remains free of diseases. Blood vessels remain clear which will enable adequate blood circulation. Blood vessels remain flexible, cholesterol deposition is reduced in them, blood pressure remains normal and body remains light and active.
To perform yoga, excess of physical strength is not necessary. Thus, while performing it person does not feel tired. Through yogasana, pranayama and meditation, efficiency of body to fight from diseases increases. They play an important role to keep body disease free and to live a long life. It is seen that through yoga, old age individuals too live a long healthy life. Today, yogasana is not only performed in India, but also in other foreign countries too.
Following yogasana are either directly or indirectly essential for maintaining good health of the heart:-
Padmasana:- It is essential to keep back bone strong. It improves digestive power and keeps mind calm and concentrated.
Vajrasana:- This aasana improves digestive power. Complain of gastric troubles and acidity are treated. Pain does not affect joints.
Matsyasana:- It strenthens body. It improves blood circulation and digestion.
Mayurasana:- It cures constipation, indigestion, gastric troubles etc..... and improves digestion. It strengthens arms and arm joints.
Garudasana:- It increases strength in limbs, knees, thighs and arms. Body becomes light and flexible.
Bhujangasana:- Back bone becomes flexible and strong. Fat from stomach decreases. Blood circulation improves. Glow of the face improves.
Mandukasana:- It reduces obesity. Disorders like gastric troubles and constipation are cured.
Bhadrasana:- It make knees and limbs strong.
Tadasana:- It makes body active and increases blood circulation. It reduces the formation of cholesterol in blood vessels.
Kamar chakrasana:- It strengthens back bone and reduces back pain. It keeps stomach healthy.
Ushtrasana:- It makes back bone strong. Spondylitis does not develop and back pain reduces.
Simhasana:- It helps in cleansing of glands present in oral cavity. It also helps in cleansing lungs. Mucus accumulated in food pipe and wind pipe clears out. Heart becomes strong.
Dhanurasana:- Back bone, kidneys and digestive system becomes strong. Blood vessels remain clear which will keep heart healthy.
Shavasana:- It helps to get rid of physical stress and mental stress. Body becomes active. It is very beneficial in case of high blood pressure patients.
It is important to know that health of the heart is related with health of the entire body. Thus, keeping all the body organs healthy means keeping heart healthy. Exercises performed for backbone like bending forward, bending backward, tilting left and right are all beneficial for heart too. All these body postures should be correctly mastered from yoga teacher.
Apart from these body postures (aasana), one more aasana can be performed and that is moving the legs in the form of riding a bicycle in lying down position. For this, person should lye down on his back. Both the hands should be kept free from body. Palms should be placed on ground. Limbs should be moved in circular motion the way a person rides a bicycle. Anti-circular motion of cycling can also be done. It is beneficial for kidneys and also reduces weight.
The most important exercise is to laugh. Among all the living beings, only man is gifted with this quality. One should laugh loudly, with complete pleasure, whenever one finds an opportunity. As long as one wish should keep laughing. Laughter reduces stress. Mental stress results in heart diseases. Laughter enables exercise of stomach, lungs and heart. Actually, laughter is considered to be a very good exercise as well as best medicine.
Aasana should never be done forcefully. If performed forcefully can result in causing more harm. They should always be performed slowly. With regular practice, within few days a person will be able to perform them properly.
Pranayama is breathing related exercise which is very beneficial for health. It improves blood circulation, enables adequate oxygen and blood supply to heart and various organs, keeps person healthy physically and mentally.
Following are some of the pranayama which when performed keeps a person healthy:-
- Kapalabhati pranayama,
- Nadisodhan pranayama,
- Shitali pranayama,
- Bhastrika pranayama,
- Agnisaar pranayama
Massage has a special importance and plays an important role to keep heart healthy and also essential in the treatment of heart diseases. Major cause of heart disease is cholesterol and fat deposition within the walls of the blood vessels which make them rigid and constricted. Through massage, accumulation of fat can be prevented in blood vessels. They can be kept flexible and constriction can be prevented in them. In this way, regular massage always keeps heart healthy. Muscles become strong if massage is done regularly. Along with this, obesity reduces and blood circulation remains adequate. Skin too remains healthy and active.
Massage of body can be done in 3 ways. After bath is taken, body should be scrubbed with dry towel. Rubbing should not be very harsh. Skin should not develop rashes by rubbing. Dry massage and oil massage both require help of others. Body should be kept free and a little loose while massage is carried out. It should be done towards heart and should be started from limbs.
Mustard oil is considered to be the best oil for massage. Apart from this, coconut oil can also be used. Massage is done on various parts of the body. Skin of body should be gently pampered. Body is pressed and rubbed. Fingers too are massaged. Massage done by rubbing body is more effective. After massage, body should be given a rest of 10-15 minutes. Later, bath should be taken. In summers, cold water bath and in winters, warm water bath should be taken.
Body massage can also be self done instead of taking others help in it. Muscles relax more and one feels good if other person massages body. We can self-massage our skin, hands, limbs, back of the neck, shoulders, lower portion of back etc..... Part of the body which feels stressful, if massaged, stress disappears from that part of the body. If we learn to massage by ourselves, we will never depend on others for this activity. We can massage our body, either by scrubbing skin or with the help of folded palms, by pinching, by pressing with fingers, palms and also by using both hands.
Person before he is subjected to massage should be made to lye down on his stomach on towel or blanket. He should not be made to lye down on bed, instead bench or ground are the best options. Room should be warm and well lit up.
Oil massage should be done in following ways:-
- Thumbs of hands are kept on back bone and palms are kept in upward direction and moved outward. Hands should be moved in a circular direction. This activity should be kept light and in rhythm. While massaging towards heart, pressure should be exerted more and while massaging away from heart, pressure should be decreased.
- Massaging on hips should be carried out by moving palms in circular motion along with this hips are subjected to pressing and squeezing the way dough is kneaded. This activity increases blood circulation and relaxes body.
- Thumbs are kept on back of the neck on the edge of back bone and pressure is exerted. Rest of the palms will be on back of the neck. On lower part of the brain, pressure is exerted with sudden jerks and then shoulders are massaged.
- Pressure is applied on joints of the shoulders and are also kneaded. Till elbow, stroking act should be done. Kneading and stroking activities should be carried out on entire hands and fingers. On small areas, massage is done only with fingers and thumb. On entire arm, massage should be finished with light stroking.
- The person should be asked to sleep on his back. On entire limb, stroking act is done. This activity of stroke is done on special areas of limbs like knee, foot etc..... It can be done either by exerting too much pressure or by exerting very little pressure. Whether pressure should be applied or no depends on the muscle mass present in area.
- With both the hands, foot is massaged by stroking. Circular pressure is exerted with thumb on foot and also on ankle.
- Massage on thighs is done in kneading action. Fingers are folded and with closed palm massage is done. First, thighs are stroked and then whole of the limb is stroked.
- On stomach, light stroking is done and hands are moved downward. On sides of the hips, kneading is done. This act is done with light hands. Palms should be kept on stomach for some time.
- Palms are placed below chin and till ears stroking is done. With one hand, head is supported and strokes are applied till corner of the jaws. From jaws to back bone, deep stroking is done. On muscle portion of the back of the neck, thumb massage is done. Later, massage is finished by stroking thumb on forehead.
In this way, there are wide varieties of therapies available to cure heart diseases and heart related disorders. Irrespective of the therapy that is followed, care should be taken to follow all the precautions and all the rules and regulations very essential to derive maximum benefits.