Depression is the most common disease and it is difficult to diagnose in people especially in children.It is observed via research work that 15 percent of children are victim of depression.It is found that girls are more prone to depression rather than boys.There are visible symptoms of depression in children, if studied carefully. Common symptoms of depression in children are change in attitude, frequent mood swing, sudden crying, isolating from others, withdrawal from regular from regular activities. sleeping disorder etc. the child can also show symptoms like excess eating or no eating at all, sudden weight gain or loss.
Depression never builds in a day or two. Causes of depression are many. One major cause of the depression in children in the family history.If there is depression in the family then the chances of depression in the child is higher. The child may also get depressed for loosing someone who is close, unable to receive or gain love, abuse of any type. Sometimes, depression is also caused due to medical reasons. It is vital to be sure that there is no medical reasons behind the depression of the child. Depression caused by medication can be checked via medical test and procedures. Once the child is suspected with the depression, it is utmost necessary to develop active communication with the child. Only open discussion with the child can reveal the real facts behind the depression. This will help to know the cause of depression. If the child's talks excessively about death, suicide, hopelessness and others such grave things then it should be taken with utter seriousness.
There are many types of treatment available in the market. before choosing any type of treatment , make sure that your child and you are comfortable with the treatment. medication, counselling, cognitive therapy are some of the example of the traditional ways of treatment.However, conventional mode of combating depression is not well established till date.There are certain drugs like Prozac, which is FDA approved for use in children from 8 years and above. drugs like Prozac works to increase the level of serotonin. serotonin is the chemical which is responsible for controlling the depression. A sharp decrease in the level of serotonin is the cause of depression.More the level of serotonin more is the happiness and vice verse.Besides Prozac, 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is also effective for combating depression. 5-HTP is a derivative of protein and this can be found in diary-based products like egg, chicken, tofu,soy,nut,curd etc. Depression since depression is directly linked with the supply of sugar in the brain. Lower level of sugar supply in the brain causes depression. A fluctuation in the blood sugar causes the child to irritate, poor sleep, mood swing and feel lethargic.
Focusing on the nutrition of the child helps in a greater extent to combat depression. Malnutrition can be the cause of depression since depression is directly linked with the supply of sugar in the brain. Lower level of sugar supply to the brain causes depression. A fluctuation in the blood sugar level, causes the child to irritate, irritate, poor sleep , mood swing and lethargic.
Depression can be cured or controlled if found in the right time.