A recipe

Whenever the season of pumpkins comes, I can't resist without cooking sweet n sour pumpkin. I enjoy the taste and hope you will enjoy it too.


Pumpkin: 500g

onion: two regular size

garlic: five petals, regular size

Tamarind/imlee: two tablespoon full

sugar: two teaspoon full

salt: half teaspoon or to the taste

cooking oil

Cooking equipment: a pressure cooking pan, a bowl, a spatula, a cooking stove

peel off the hard outer of pumpkin

chop it into small pieces

peel off the garlic covers

peel off onion covers

chop onion into small pieces

soak tamarind in a bowl filled with about 200 ml water

heat three tablespoons of cooking oil in the frying pan

add garlic to it

fry till it goes brown

now add onion to it and let it go brown by frying

now add chopped pumpkin pieces into this cooking pan

add salt as well as sugar along

Cover with the lid and let the pressure come

on the other hand, mince the tamarind into water in which it was soaked

now filter out the seeds and fibres and collect the fluid with tamarind

cook the material in pressure pan for about 20 minutes

let it cool and then open it up

now add tamarind fluid to it and mix well

cook in open for five minutes

taste it.....I think you are going to like the sweet n sour taste

(Note: some chilly can be added if you like the taste of it)

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