How much time you spend for reading is not important but how you spend it is important.

Follow the rules for foe well study


*Choose a right place for your study- undisturbed place

  • Concentration is not possible where there is noise. Constriction means fixing you attention on a particular point. Distraction means going away from a particular point. When noise is there, you mind will move away. So select a calm place for your study. It must be away from small children and the I.V. set.


*Have a study –table, Books setting Facility.


  • Keep all your books orderly on your table. Only study materials –such as books, open, Maths box-must be kept on your table. Never keep you shirt to towels on the study-table. There must be sufficient light where you study.


*Have a dictionary on your table- translation book

  • A good dictionary is like a teacher. Every time when you have doubts about certain words and their usage, please your dictionary. Make use you dictionary as often as possible. They dictionary will enrich you word power. Every serious student will have a dictionary for his/her use.

*Make use your time meaningfully- time is value

  • Every bit of your time is precious. It is a gift of God. Thomas Edison, the well-known scientist wasted no time in his life time. He was very poor. So he used to sell news papers in the train. But after selling news papers, he sat in a corner of the train compartment and had studied. Plan a time table for studies. At least six hours you must study daily. Spend 3 hours study in the morning and in evening three hours as subject vise.

*Don’t postpone you work to next day- don’t show neglect in the work

  • Often you hear these words: postponement, procrastination, putting off. All these words mean the same. Remember these words. Procrastination of today’s work to another day stops your progress. If you postpone today’s work to another day, you will have more work and burden. Then you will feel unhappy with your burden and you may even stop working. So do today’s work today itself and not tomorrow.


*Have a purpose in study – interest in study for reach aim

  • Ask yourself, ``Why should I study?’’ this way of thinking will create a purpose or goal in your studies. Having a goal or aim in your studies is the key to success. Unless you know the purpose of your study, you cannot study. Your goal may be to become a pilot, a collector, a commander, a doctor, an engineer, a lawyer and so on. Keep that purpose before you and study to achieve it. You must think of your goal every now and then.


*Forget about your failure- for go next step

  • Failure is a common thing. You should not be upset or worried about failures. Never count your failures but count your abilities and talents. Failure is never final. Once or twice or a few times you may fail; but not always. A child cannot grow unless it a child cannot walk immediately unless it falls and fell down and up many times. Accept your failure as a challenge and work hard to win and achieve your goal.


*Keep on trying – try for strong

  • A trying person is an active person. The more you try the better result will come. A trying person is a courageous person. Trying is a sign that failure does not defeat him or her. Not trying is a sign of failure. Be brave, be active, and be hard working. Then successful result in yours.











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