In life, everyone has a meaningful event. Most long-awaited, probably - a wedding, most of which happens once in a lifetime. Wedding - a solemn and magnificent event. But even if this modest family dinner, he still remembered the newlyweds for life. 
Without thorough preparation is impossible to hold a wedding at the level. " Despite the fact that a wedding requires a lot of financial costs, preparing for the wedding - a creative process. Need to pay attention to every detail, to think through every detail. After all, it should be all unique, beautiful and festive. 
For the guests the wedding begins with the invitation cards that the first impression about the upcoming wedding and are a hallmark of your celebration. As we know, the first impression is the strongest. Note that the invitation cards are not only decorated with paper on which were written the date and time for the celebration. Buying a wedding invitation cards, paying particular attention to their beauty and uniqueness. Invitation to the wedding, being both a work of art and official documents, play a small role. People to whom you roads such cards usually store more than one year. 
Buy an invitation to a wedding today is not difficult. Each wedding salon, and many kiosks and shops, you can purchase a variety of invitation cards. But an exclusive invitation to the wedding , which nowadays are very popular, are invitations for the wedding of manual work. Such invitations, filled with calligraphy, unique, and have any shape and stress ratio of married to the invited guests, testify to their taste. 
Guests, as well as a couple who also have to prepare for the wedding. Therefore, we must not forget that the invitation to the wedding guests should be sent well in advance. After all guests have to choose a gift, prepare clothes and plan your time. Sending invitations to a wedding in two weeks in our time is the best option. To prepare for such an event like a wedding, guests this time is enough, and you, respectively, will already be convinced that nothing could postpone the wedding. 
It is best for the wedding invitation to relatives and friends to hand personally, not relying on the mail. Thereby you can be sure that the invitation was horrible at, and showing good manners to express once again the attention of visitors. Personally handing out invitations to the wedding guests, you will also show how much the guest is important to you. Themselves for the wedding invitations are very important for the newlyweds and guests, as even the accident of time, reminiscent of past celebrations of love and romance.

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