: Nature (360)
Articles [Nature]
Natural environment
Our natural environment consists of two components: non –living, also called the abiotic component and living known as the biotic component.
Abiotic or non –living environment
This includes the factors which are...
Coal is a fossil fuel. It is popularly called black diamond because Coal and diamond are primarily made up of carbon. Coal was formed from organic matter that got buried under swamps and forests about 100 to 400 million years ago. The heat and...
Our environment
When we talk of environment, we are actually speaking of our surroundings. These surroundings are different from place to place. It is also related to the organisms. Hence we can say that the surroundings of an organism are its...
India is a continent with every variety of climate, soil and elevation, and the name of its fruits and flowers is legion. Merely to give a list of their names would take a great deal more space than is allowed for this essay. It is therefore...
Trees - Nature Gift
Trees are very important in human life.They give us many good and useful things and yet except nothing
in returns. We use most of parts of the trees in our daily life. Trees give us Fruits for food and flowers...
Structures built for crossing on obstruction are called bridges. The obstruction is called bridges. The obstruction is in the form of rivers, channel, railways lines or roads. Bridges have space below for the movement of water or...
A dam is an artificial obstruction constructed across a stream or river for impounding water on the side of it. The term dam refers to both the obstruction and the water stored. Reservoir refers to the basin where water is stored.
Purpose of...
It is the process of transporting o carrying goods and passengers from tone place to another
Types of transportation
>Road transportation
>Rail transportation
>Air transportation
>Water transportation
Road ways
(a) Road
Road is a...
The number of inventions of high utility to mankind is so great, that it is difficult to decide which is the most important
Has revolutionized industry, economic conditions and social life
The number of inventions of high utility to mankind is...
Concrete is mixture of sand, crushed stone or lime and water. Sand forms the fine aggregate, crushed stone and gravel forms the coarse aggregate. The strength of the concrete depends up on the proportions of fine and coarse...
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