: Nature (360)
Articles [Nature]
Mortar and Plastering
Mortar is a mixture obtained by mixing sand, (fine aggregate) a binding material (cement/lime) and water in definite proportions.
Need for Mortar
>It is used as a binding material sin bricks and stone masonry.
>It is used...
Lintels, Slabs, Beams and Columns
Lintel is a horizontal member, which is placed across the openings, left in the wall for the provision of doors, windows etc. Width of the lintel is equal to the thickness of wall. Depth of the lintel...
Building components
Following are the main building components
(a) Foundation
(b) Basement
(c) Super structure
(d) Roofs and roof trusses.
(a) Foundation
The portion of the building, which comes below the ground level, is termed as...
Fiber Optics
Fiber optics deals with light propagation through this glass fiber. Fiber optics plays an important role in the field of communication. The transmission of light via a dielectric wave guide structure was first proposed of investigated...
We should be thankful to God that we are a part of this beautiful planet. It has provided us with all basic amenities that we require for a good living but are we taking a good care of our planet? The answer is a simply no. We have gifted our...
Science is an obtaining knowledge by prediction through study and practice or experiment and observation. We can simply say science is study of living things and non living things. In our daily life every aspect depends up on science. So plays a...
If there is one and succeeded Islam Karimov on life, or rather, as president, it's the message. On every possible occasion, he sends warm greetings to the definition of goals for future accomplishments, and those who are obliged to take all of...
There are many ways of how environment is being degraded.
First cause is the over population. India is second highest populated country in the world.
The hazardous gases from the industries like...
Our natural environment includes a number of elements that are affected in amount by the presence of external forces such as wind, water and ice. The soil, rocks and sediment from the beds of rivers and mountainous terrain are displaced by these...
If we want to ape the developmental line to follow, we must first try to know something about the locomotion of primates. After the first clue to the hominid evolution could be found using the different ways in which primates in trees move. Ratlike...
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