Articles [Social Life]

De-graft, from now on the paper is your only friend, you no nothing else, but the paper, your eyes must be sealed to reduce foolishness   Forget, just rewind everything, turn it white, blank, you don't need voices to confuse you, it's...

watch the past burn, sizzle in oblivion till its ash, so that nothing remains, your lips shall be sealed, old life shall wither and die   Build a fortress, stop the uselessness because you are a typical excuse of a human being, forget,...

my eyes puke in tears, as I watch my sanctity cry in the flames of confusion my eyes puke in tears, they can't cough out the smoke, but lungs are killed by the smoke, choked by the smoke   Velocity comes to a halt time folds itself like a...

The's the only friend on this earth that will always give me the chance to start again... and again...and again...and again... so the pendulum retraces its home, the time melts, the lights are killed by ignorance, and darkness...

Right from birth, they trained him in innocence, but an ignorance by far dethroned him from his glitter and kept him in the manger, thus, he was a being of negligence   Right from birth, they trained him in innocence, the boy that everyone...

We, the Generation have immense potential & lots of talent. We are the real revolutionary in the sense that we can change existing society anytime we want & can mould it in the way we desire, whether for good or bad. This generation is the blast...

Soviet Russia and china, which are communist countries, also claim to be democratic because they say that the worker and the farmer is ruling force in their countries. Democracy has been in existence in the world since early times. Plato and...

Amore's flasy production presents, the unbeatable generation of cardiac technology; S.T. the unlimited version of glory, born with infinitive capacity of trust, she is immortal, never dies, so don't worry about her battery life   She is the...

Punjab is state in north India. Its capital city is Chandigrah. It is the common capital of both Punjab and Haryana states. The name of Punjab means `The Land of five Rivers’. It is a large lowland or plain. When India and Pakistan be come...

A girl of 21 years who is out of her house leaving parents and siblings for the first time in the name of marriage, how she feels? It's really a difficult/ embarrassing  situation for a girl who has to completely start a new life with her person...

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