Articles [Social Life]

All of us know the scope and usage of online shopping is increasing day by day. Some people like doing online shopping more then regular shopping done at shops or malls.During festivals there is a large amount of online shopping done by many...

INDIA is a land of villages. Most of the people of our country live in village.So, the future of INDIA depends on the improvement of living conditions in villages. Unfortunately the villages of our country...

Have u ever thought of a life without a goal or mission? It can be really a very boring life . Goals or missions are need to be set up in life. A life of a person with goals may be very interesting as one always think about achieving it or tries...

The New Year may be a significant event for many people.SO LET'S TRY TOUND WHAT NEW YEAR IS?Mark TwainNew Year's is a harmless annual institution, of no particular use toanybody save as a scapegoat for promiscuous drunks, and friendly calls...

In the past, there haven been people of Great Spirit and intelligence. They have served all their lives, in thought, word and action. They lived to serve the poor and the needy and spread the world of love and brotherhood. The world and their...

`Boys, I want you to take these ten questions for home work. I will look at your answer on Monday,’ said the teacher. One of the boys, Gopal, went home and started to do his homework. He wrote down the answers to nine questions. But he did not...

There was a time when people thought that it was not necessary to educate women. Now we have begun to realize that female education is essential. The modern age is the age of awakening of women. they are trying to compete with men in all spheres of...

Today life of all the people is very busy and its getting more busy day by day.No one has time for other as he is so much pressurize by the work load. No one has time to go to each other office for meetings or to a far place. Most of the meetings...

As the new year is coming this article is specially for the people who are awaiting to welcome the new year and have made resolutions..Resolutions this word is not new to most of you. Resolutions are the aims or something you think to follow in the...

Every one knows that an ideal mind works like a devil mind and mind gets affectes by stress and bad thoughts when u sit ideal without any thing to do. So its necessary to have a hobby to remove the harmful effects of stress and negative thoughts....

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