De-graft, from now on
the paper is your only friend,
you no nothing else,
but the paper,
your eyes must be sealed
to reduce foolishness
Forget, just rewind everything,
turn it white, blank,
you don't need voices to confuse you,
it's getting even worse,
you were indecisive to this extent,
but it's increasing everyday
now you even getting more worthless
All your ghanaian friends will be disappointed
when they find out the one
most of them looked up to
just doesn't know himself
Too many mistakes, my boy,
too many mistakes,
just burn everything in the fire
De-graft, just start again,
don't look back,
your father is already disappointed,
your mother has a little hope,
and again you're by yourself
All again...the mind trails in confusion,
with endless imagination,
you've wasted the first eigthteen years
of your life
remember, you're by yourself,
you absorb people's perception too much,
first, you don't accept correction,
okay, that's wrong,
but now, you have to be audically ignorant,
extremely audically ignorant,
to decrease the confusion
The paper,
the only friend that gives me
the chance to start all over again,
the frustration is just too much,
you are a disappointment to your parents,
father, especially
Start again,
right now forget,
erase the past,
write a new story
of yourself.
By Kakraba Afful