Articles [Social Life]

The Maya civilization was one of the richest civilizations of the ancient world. It originated 6000 years before Christ and lasted till 1524 AD, when the Spaniards of Europe destroyed it. The Mayan culture is rich in its mythological lore. They...

Dr.A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Indian Former President, well known rocket scientist give boost to our youngsters and people. He is the role model for our youth. He is free from boundaries such as religion, politics. He is the icon of good hope. He...

  “Me And My Grand Pa” I hail from a very large family also called a joint family in India. My paternal grand parents had two sons and five daughters. All of them were married by the time I was born. Traditionally in India, all daughters...

  Kasab couldn’t have deserved a better punishment. But with the government saying that he might be hanged by the end of this year if there are no legal hassles just seems to give the whole affair a slight amount of leniency. I know there are...

Take out any daily newspaper and scan local tabloid, where you find number of classfieds, on earning money with an easy way.  If you subscribe to them, you will find ultimately, it is a network business scheme or any other marketing theme, for...

Photography does not means that to go to viewfinder in Camera,pressing the shutter and take out prints from the nearest Studio.Generally,people when they go for travelling,they travel with their Camera.They take some good pictures,to keep the...

China, like India, is a very vast country with a long history. There is an ancient Chinese legend that the mighty Panku made the earth long, long ago. He stood in the middle of a mixture of land, water and sky. He worked with his tools and made the...

Internet is the gift to this world by technical people. First of all, internet used for military purposes. Then It is used by scientific people. Now a days all people used internet for exchanging knowledge and information. But some people use...

Now a days, 'save tigers!' is the alarm voice in our media. my question is "is really people mercy about tigers or they want symbol of such things for fun. Some people said, " we can't say to our grandson, this is tiger .There is no alive tiger. We...

I have had many interesting experiences in my school life. I cannot easily forget them. Some of them have really helped to shape my conduct and character. While at school, I was fortunate to have good friends. I already told in one article Vinod...

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