Articles [Social Life]

We start our life at home. We must learn to obey and respect our parents. Develop the habit of greeting your parents everyday. Be kind and loving to your brothers, sisters, relatives and servants. Be care to your Grand father and Grand mother. Be...

There are two types of faiths: Faith in God and faith in oneself. We believe that God is the creator of this universe and we can achieve whatever we want by his grace. This is faith in God. We should have faith in ourselves. What exactly does this...

Do you believe small things make big changes? If you don't believe read this incident. Nepolean was a Familiar war hero. He was a political and military leader of France. In one war, Nepolean's army won and arrested 1500 turkey soldiers. He send...

The power of concentration is within every living creature. Among animals we see the tiger gathering its strength by a moment of stillness before its springs upon its prey. Likewise man achieves his goal by absolute concentration. When light is...

Good manners are a sign of gentle-manliness. Good manners can be learn from books, by practice and by observing others. In our home, One should cultivate the habit of keeping things in their proper places. We should be able to pick them even in...

Speech and smile are the special qualities given to men among all living things. Speech is the medium for conveying all messages. Speech is one of the outputs of human's thoughts. We often hear the words "Mind your words". Because words are...

Transgenders also the part of our society. But till now, they are isolated, neglected, hated and teased by society. We should consider they also human being. They also have rights to live in this world with dignity. If one family find the member...

Place: Mrs. Deodhar’s house. (Mr. and Mrs. Paranjape come to meet Rr. And Mrs. Deodhar. The children of both the families are playing outside in the housing colony garden.) Mrs. Paranjape : (to Mrs. Deodhar) Asha, last night at about 10.30 p.m. I...

A group of students decided to meet people and learn about society. So they people and learn about society. So they set out and started walking and observing. Here are few of their experiences. The students went a little farther and they came to a...

All the babies cry. Does your baby cries always? Is it some time very hard to control them?   Most of you would say that yes its very hard sometimes to make them stop crying. Babies may cry for any of the reasons like may be they are hungry, they...

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