Health and Fitness blogs are a vibrant corner of the digital world, where wellness enthusiasts, fitness aficionados, and health-conscious individuals converge. These blogs serve as valuable resources, offering a wealth of information, motivation, and practical tips to help readers lead healthier lives.

Articles [Health & Fitness]

Oral cavity is an important part of our body. Digestion begins in oral cavity. As soon as one eats food, it gets masticated in oral cavity i.e., crushed into fine pieces by teeth and passed on further the throat into the food pipe further into the...

Good memory is essential and everyone needs it to excel in their respective departments irrespective of whether they are working or busy in their household lives, whether they are kids trying to enter kinder gardens or students cracking IIT's. Good...

As summer season arrives in most part of the country, it brings with it killer heat which everyone finds difficult to cope with. Every year it becomes a part of concern as every year its duration as well as intensity keeps increasing. Rainy season...

Pregnancy is a very crucial part in a women's life because both the life of baby and mother depends how well the pregnancy goes. The only aim during pregnancy is to keep the pregnancy disease or illness free. Mother's health is maintained if she...

If  a woman missed her periods more than 15 days, it means her pregnancy has started. Actually, pregnancy has 3 trimesters. These 3 trimesters will be different from each other. The occurrence of changes in trimesters completely depends upon...

Prima facie the proposition appears to be very innocent but it is not so in reality. In underscores some fallacies. I do not intend to contradict it, but I support it with certain reservations.  Smoking has been an ingrained habit in men from...

Health and wellness are two words that to many appear to be the same thing. However there is a subtle difference between the two. An added factor that is closely linked with these two words is sex. In India sex is a taboo world now, but there was a...

Diseases are not born directly in body. Disorders or irregularities leading to diseases are first born in mind and soul. Gradually their effects can be seen on body. Disorders of body are mere reflection of disorders formed in mind which can also...

Depressive mood is such a thing, which is occurring to some people, for many years and to some, it is occurring; just from few weeks and to some, it is occurring from few days or few hours. For whatever reason, you are victim of this depressive...

Yes, it is seen that some people, did not have daily sleep record, of sleeping for 7-8 hours per night. Their reason for it vary, from person to person. Some did not have adequate hours, to sleep due to work scenario; which allow very less hours,...

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