Health and Fitness blogs are a vibrant corner of the digital world, where wellness enthusiasts, fitness aficionados, and health-conscious individuals converge. These blogs serve as valuable resources, offering a wealth of information, motivation, and practical tips to help readers lead healthier lives.

Articles [Health & Fitness]

Introduction Health is most important to us. It is more important than been wealthy. If we have all the wealth in our life but are not blessed with good health, then we will not be able to enjoy any benefit of been wealthy. Health therefore is...

With the changing climatic conditions and rainfall pattern we need to shift our focus towards climate resilient crops.Hence Millets are seen as an alternative to rice and wheat as they are not only climate resilient but also offers high nutritional...

Introduction According to researches and many heart specialists, it is now becoming clear that the more outgoing and social you are, the better your chances of keeping away heart diseases. I was reading a medical journal and this is what one of...

When I was expecting my little one, I was elated but honestly, my pregnancy was not so comfortable. I used to disapprovingly smile at everyone who used to say- Oh pregnancy is such a blissful period for women, enjoy your time and take rest. In...

Laughter is good for health. Since this is an era where everyone of us is busy with their lives, we rarely get time to laugh our hearts out. Everything around us is polluted. We no longer get clean water to drink, pure air to breathe and...

You might have noticed many times your knee joints, finger joints  or knuckles frequently cracking.  Why do they crack? Is it really a serious problem? Do you need to be concerned about this popping sound? We all have these questions at...

Below you can find a few upper body exercises to not only strengthen the back but also prevent back pain:Before getting to know about these exercises, you must be aware that you need to work out alternate days for example Mondays, Wednesdays, and...

Women have many changes in her body, during her pregnancy period. At that time, hormones won’t be balanced and they feel crazy. She should have some knowledge about the sudden changes in her body in these 9 months. Experts say, pregnant women...

Do you want to know Gender of your baby? Now days, compare to women, men are much interested in knowing the gender of the baby. The pregnant women should know about, what she should eat and how she should be and take care. As a woman, knowing about...

The progesterone, which produced in mother, overeating of sugar food and calcium deficiency leads to dental problems. To cure these problems we need to follow a healthy diet. This will help in curing dental and other health problems. Having...

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