Articles [General]

  A fermenter is an apparatus that maintains optimal conditions for the growth of microorganisms, used in large scale fermentation and in the commercial production of antibiotics   and hormones.The main function of the fermenter is to provide a...

The class of games considered is one that includes games involving two players with complete information. There are two players who alternate their movements adversaries, each sees the faults of his opponent and his own success. In each turn the...

1) It is impossible to commit suicide by holding one's breath.At worst,the person who tries this will eventually lose conciousness.The lungs will then start to breath automatically. 2) The human brain uses the same amount of power as a 10-watt...

AMAZING FACTS:- 1) The modern decimal position system,in which the placing of numerals indicates thier value (ones,tens,hundreds) was the invention of HINDUS ,about 800 A.D. Thier invention of the sign zero greatly simplified arithmetic...

“Time flies” thus, goes an old saying. Frequently, it seems that there is a great ideal of truth in the old saying. A modern extension of the old saying is : “Doesn’t time fly when you’re having fun ! “ Literally, this means that when you are...

Children from rich families have some obvious advantages in life compared to poorer children. They usually live in spacious houses, with large gardens and even swimming pools, where they have plenty of space to play in. They have a great many toys...

To a very great extent, a company or organization is just as good  as the person who is in charge of it. A company that is falling often has a weak person at the top, while a strong, successful company usually has a strong, successful person in...

Some people earn just enough to get by after they have paid their taxes and after they paid the basics of life, such as their mortgage and living expenses. Many people in more developed countries, however, have some disposable income left after...

Until the second half of the twentieth century, eating out in many countries was very rare. More difficult people might go to restaurants on special occasions, but even these occasions were celebrated at home by a great many people. The number of...

There are a series of empirical attributes that have formulated the foundations of the laymen social infrastructure. The successful replication of any society champions a notion of ideals that seeks the establishment of its sovereignty within the...

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