Articles [General]

We all are quite familiar with the proverb “Honesty is the best Policy”. Honesty is the quality which makes one hold and successful in life. Most of us would agree that honesty is the fountainhead from which qualities like integrity, uprightness,...

Our earth without rivers would have been a very dreary place. Water has been called Jivan or life in Sanskrit. We could have wells or tanks in the absence of rivers. But they would have been a very poor substitute for rivers. Our whole civilization...

          Students indiscipline is one of the burning problems faced by modern india.The problem is faced at two levels. At the narrow level,there is the problem of classroom indiscipline in the of making noises,thumping desks,throwing paper...

The word ’public’ is very publicly used. But who all is public? And whoever the public may be, do they always have an opinion? One of England’s Prime Minister, Robert Walpole, used to say.’ Let’s sleep in a dog’s den.’ Socrates who was condemned to...

Doing useful work is the best teacher of discipline. School and college work in boyhood and youth and some useful and suitable occupation in later life re calculated to make us a disciplined nation. We Indians are not yet a properly disciplined...

In ancient Egypt, when a king or a queen died or when a prince or a princess died, they were buried in the chambers of the pyramids. Along with them were buried gold pieces, diamonds and other precious stones. Several youth and maids were also...

Who was the founder of algebra? Who did invent the decimal system? Who made the first wheel in the world? Who baked the first brick? Who made the first plough? Who first of all extracted oil from oilseeds? Who invented the art of writing? Who made...

India celebrates every year on the 15th August her Independence Day. On this date in 1947, India was reborn as a free country. But our joy was marred because as a result of the partition of the country bloodshed on a wide scale took place in India...

There would be no life nor any vegetation on this dear old planet of ours called the earth, if there were no rain. Life did first appear in and on the waters. And it has always been nourished, renewed and refreshed by rainfall. Well-water,...

When we think of the millions of people living in any country we find that only handful of them are famous men. These men are exceptions. But even these exceptional men own their gifts and power largely to the common life of their nation. But fame...

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