Articles [General]

    Brain drain is a very common problem and has been much talked about but now a days. Brain drain is speedily increasing because the outsourcing of human resource from India has become a popular feature and Indians are lured to gain money at a...

  India is a vast country with many different cultures and languages. India democracy is known as one of the best democracy of the world. India is gifted with vast abundance of resources, whether it is a man or any other natural resource. Thus,...

Goa's notable account stretches hindermost to the 3rd century BC, when it molded attempt of the Mauryan Empire, ruled by the Faith monarch, Ashoka of Magadha. Buddhist monks ordered the fundament of Buddhism in Goa. Between the 2nd century BCE and...

            In olden days there was a center of learning in Varanasi. There were many students. Raja was the teacher. He had only one daughter. Her name was Devi. Raja planned to arrange her marriage. He preferred an intelligent student among his...

It might seem bad to consider that anyone could competitor Google with a new investigate engine. But it could encounter if the melody for patronage improved investigate engines comes to fruition.If the melody of business your own hunting engine...

Being huge in area, the country has a long land frontier. Numerous, therefore, are its neighbors. Starting from the extreme north its. Western neighbors are Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia and Azerbaijan. In the south –...

TELEPORTATION From the time man invented wheel few thousand years before, people have been more curious to invent faster means of transportation. This curiosity is attributed to the fact that people wants to spend less time while travelling from...

In the last few decades we have seen a rapid decline in the forest cover of our land. Little has been done to protect this green cover which supports our life system, from being destroyed mercilessly. There are several factors which are responsible...

Books are our true friends. They are our constant companions who stand by us through thick and thin. We are happy in their company; they never desert us. They give us courage to face life's struggles, fill our hearts with hope, and cheer us when we...

We all know that health is wealth and when heath is lost everything is lost. It is in this context that the case of malnutrition needs our urgent attention before it assumes the shape of an epidemic in our country. Malnutrition results from the...

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