When we think of the millions of people living in any country we find that only handful of them are famous men. These men are exceptions. But even these exceptional men own their gifts and power largely to the common life of their nation. But fame or no fame, the real power of a nation lies in its millions of small good men. This believe or rather this great truth is the foundation of democracy as well as its guiding light, its hope and its inspiration.
Mahatma Gandhi and before him B.G. Tilak, Gokhale, Tagore and hundreds of other top-ranking Indians were as great as the greatest men of any other country even though these giants had their faults and failings. Pt. Nehru and hundreds of other deservingly famous Indians are by no means inferior to the great and famous men of other countries. Yet as a nation we are far behind Japan, Russia, England, France, Germany and the U.S.A . Why is this so? Because the small good men, in these other countries are far larger in number than the small good men of our country. Again, why is this so? Because social, educational industrial, political and other important conditions of these countries are far better than is the case in India.
Our five year plans and other many-sided projects and schemes are intended to create the climate for improving and raising the qualities of the common men in India. We shall thus be able t catch up with the more advanced countries of the world.
India will not be built up only by its famous men but by militants of its small good women. Workers in fields and factories, students, clerks, men of small professions, even domestic servants make up the great army of India’s small god men. These will be the builders of India. Every man and every woman is of equal value and importance to the national life of India. The strength of India will be judged by the strength of training and character of the humblest Indian. In far larger numbers the small men of India must be good men as well.