: Arts & Science (385)
Articles [Arts & Science]
Medieval Indian rulers
The period from the establishment of Delhi Sultanate to the fall of the Mughal Empire is generally regarded as the medieval period in Indian history. During this period India was ruled by Delhi Sultans and Mughal emperors....
Change of seasons affects all of us
The seasons
Particular type of weather can continue for many days of the month. Such a long period in which almost the same weather conditions persist, is called a season.
What is Parts of Speech ?
In English language, words are divided in to different kinds or classes. It is called Parts of Speech. According to their use or according to the work they do in a sentence, we can classify them in to eight...
Green Forest
Our earth is our home. We are living happy on this land. We are doing damage atmosphere with our own hands. More changes coming in atmosphere. This is very bad to us.
Environmental scientists tell us that every part of the earth is...
Chemistry is a subject of global impact, has entered into the central stage of all disciplines. As a fundamental science, it has a profound effect on our planet and is involved in nearlly everry facet of everyday life. Our lives depend on...
Climate changes.
green plants
Different regions
Areas with a similar type of climate form a climatic region. Temperature and rain fall are the main factors which determine a climate region. The three main climatic regions of the world are:-
The lighting sun on the Earth pole
The population of the country is very small. The people who lie in Greenland are called Eskimos. They are short and stout with straight black hair, high cheekbones, narrow black eyes and yellow-brown skins. Their...
Plants in the water
water plants in a pond
These plants grow in water. Water is available to them in large quantities. Enough air is not available to the roots.
Examples of water plants
Hydrilla, pista and lotus, etc., these are the...
Important day of the Indians August 15, 1947
Till 15 August 1947, India was ruled the British who had come here for trade but stayed on to rule the country. They were able to do so because of disunity and quarrels amongst the local kings and...
Office of the UN
The people all over the world realized that if another war was fought it would destroy the whole world. They also realized that the huge amount of money being spent on making destructive weapons could be used for constructive...
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