
  • In this Covid circumstance, being locked into a home must be very tough. This lifestyle can get boring, anyone can drain into depression, starting overthinking. 


    EXERCISE: Working out in the morning can refresh your psyche and it will be better for your immune system


    5 Study tips that Can turn you into a Topper 


    1.  Know yours Study material
    2.  Cut
  • 5 Things to do to avoid

                            Tooth Sensitivity




  • Hi everyone ! My name is Nitish Patnaik. I have graduated last year with a B.Tech degree in Computer science and Engineering and i am currently working as a data analyst. I found out about Boddunan from Google. Looking forward to share my ideas and read other people's perspectives as

  • Hi everyone! 

    I recently joint here. I am a civil Service aspirant struggling from past two years to crack civil services. 

    I have a habit of writing as a hobby, trying to bring out my interest in the best possible way so as to share the knowledge. 


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    Sometimes, being exposed to dust for a long time, causes dirt on our skin, causing pimples and acne on our skin. Many girls use a lot of beauty products to overcome these problems, but using these beauty

  • Can you all see this night a sky full of stars and a moon just viewing you from far behind ?. Most of you including me like sunrise before quarantine but trust me this time has it’s own magic .I made a practice of just being at terrace of my house every night in these quarantine days and refer

  • How does corporate law as a career compare with litigation?

    In addition to deciding which area of law to pursue, this is another question that constantly puzzles law students.

    Many people are confused between these two areas because of what they hear from their

  • I have been thinking about this new and interesting idea that I wanted to share with all of you. I would like to know how much creative everyone is. I would like everyone to write a funny and interesting conversation between two persons in total 10 dialogues. You can pick the names of the two

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  • Essence of life

    Life is a gift that is bestowed upon every being by God. Life can’t be created but can be destroyed by a single mistake. Life is born when two souls meet. It starts to get used the moment we open our eyes in this filthy world. We are born with neither hate nor love,

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  • Hay Everyone, I am Seenu. I have joined few days back.

    I have just completed my graduation in physics. I love to write stories and blogs. My hobbies are watching movies, writing stories, dancing and reading novels.

  • Teenagers likes  to spend money to fulfill their desires and their needs on buying smartphones, sports bike going for trips with friends or saving for further studies. 

    But for that first they need to work and earn money. But unfortunately most of them actually starts earning


    “The Kokborok Kokreke is one of

  • If you love someone , go for it . what are you afraid of ? Rejection? Are you sure you will get rejected ? Why not give it a try? Even if you got rejected ,you will atleast have mental peace that you atleast confessed.You will learn a lesson from it . Sitting at a place and doing nothing .


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