14 years ago
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14 years ago
You can try exposeyourknowledge.com .just post on there forum to confirm that they pay and work as international or not but they pay in dollars.
Santosh Kumar Singh
Thank you said by: Shweta Bose
14 years ago
I remember in the initial days I tried for something like that and chanced upon a site known as essay.net. It held an on-line test for English proficiency with a duration of 30 minutes which I cleared and I was asked to write but there I stopped! That's all about it!
Thank you said by: Shweta Bose
14 years ago
Thanks a lot but that site is not opening.
14 years ago
Sorry! It should be essaywriters.net and it's opening on my system!
14 years ago
Thanks Santosh and chinmoy i also gained to know about these sites with the help of sweta's question and your replies. Probably the one santosh indicated should be exposeknowledge.com and i also came accross a site 4writers.net but the problem is that you get to write in line with client's requirements and a freelance writer hates to be in shackles. But sure, for getting something you must sacrifice. Presently i am also writing for indiastudychannel.com
14 years ago
Thanks Rajesh! As I pointed out earlier that those were early days and this kind of assignment requires involvement of a different kind that's not my cup of tea!!
14 years ago
You can try exposeyourknowledge.com .just post on there forum to confirm that they pay and work as international or not but they pay in dollars.
Is it a genuine site, are you a member of that site Santosh
Is it a genuine site, are you a member of that site Santosh
14 years ago
You can try exposeyourknowledge.com .just post on there forum to confirm that they pay and work as international or not but they pay in dollars.
Is it a genuine site, are you a member of that site Santosh
It is a genuine site.I had paid twice from the site and now being not able to be here and there keeps away and so don't know the present condition.
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14 years ago
elance.com(don't know if it accpets international members)
Brighthub.com (Upfront as well as ongoing revenue on your article)
There are plenty more, but these are the popular ones. One thing to keep in mind is that they expect impeccable grammar and formatting on your part. Failing which may also lead to your account suspension. Constant-content is the strictest of them all but also the highest paying.
elance.com(don't know if it accpets international members)
Brighthub.com (Upfront as well as ongoing revenue on your article)
There are plenty more, but these are the popular ones. One thing to keep in mind is that they expect impeccable grammar and formatting on your part. Failing which may also lead to your account suspension. Constant-content is the strictest of them all but also the highest paying.
Thank you said by: Shweta Bose
14 years ago
This is a new information Arun.I think your upcoming training will cover these area also.
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