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Kontera and Infolinks are different advertisers. But both are offering text advertising.

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Thanks for the reply. also tell me which one is providing good revenue. I think in Boddunan infolink is doing rounds.

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I seen somewhere that both are good. But infolinks is widely used.

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Can these both be used in a single blog, Rakesh? If yes, how does one apply for it? :dry:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I have applied for kontera and got my account approved. Just go to and register as publisher and not advertiser everything else as per instruction on the site.

I dont think so infolink and kontera can be applied on same blog or site.

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Jayen, thanks for the information!! :) :)

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

You are welcome Kalyani. Just post any other queries in this regards here.

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Hi, this is Sarah from Infolinks. We are indeed a separate company. Infolinks is the fasted growing provider of In Text ads. Our ads are highly relevant & better yet we guarantee the highest paying revenue share.

You can use more than one In Text provider on your site, however, please keep in mind that by using another in text provider on the same page with Infolinks, you reduce your CTR and lowering your CPM. In order to earn maximum revenues with In Text ads, I suggest you to work with one provider only.

If you're looking to compare us to other In Text providers, I invite you to simply Google us and let the results speak for themselves. If you'd like more information visit our website or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Hi Jayen & Kalyani,

This is Jonathan from Kontera. Jayen - I'm happy to hear that your site was approved :)

In terms of Kontera and Infolinks, as Sarah pointed out, we are in fact different companies. Kontera has been around longer and is much bigger with over 15,000 Publishers, Infolinks is a newer company and just starting out. There are a few key differences between the two companies, which I'll happily outline.

First of all,Kontera's contextual algorithm is actually able to read your content for meaning, which translate into us understanding your site and providing you with much more effective ads. This added level of relevancy targeting is part of why Kontera is able to provide you with higher CTR and better CPC.

What Infolinks is able to do is scan your webpages for keywords, which is a far more risky way of supplying ads. For instance, Infolinks can't recognize if a keyword is being used in a positive or negative context, so you can see an ad for a product on a post trashing that very product. Not a situation that's going to lead to many ad clicks.

Another difference is the we get our ads. Kontera works directly with advertisers, meaning we've built up an exclusive ad inventory from some of the most recognizable brands in the world including Blackberry, NBC, Sprint, Microsoft, Kmart, Dominos Pizza, and Volvo among others. These ads pay the best and are the most attention grabbing to site visitors.

Infolinks doesn't work directly with advertisers, meaning they rely solely on generic ads feeds. So the quality of their ads are largely out of their hands.

A third difference is our payout methods. Kontera's minimum payment threshold is $50 across all payout methods, the Infolinks minimum payout threshold varies between $50 and $400.

Kalyani, to answer your question - from Kontera's perspective you can't use both networks on your site at once.

Please let me know guys, if you have any additional questions :)


Jonathan Cohen
Kontera Community Manager
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Jayen- You said- Infolink and kontera cannot be applied on same blog. Is it your presumption or there is some express rule forbidding applying to both.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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