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13 years ago
Hi Sunil, Good morning :) I have submitted one short article and waiting to see how it goes.Not been published so far, I guess it takes a while.I have been busy with some personal work and did not log in the whole of yesterday...have a nice day Sunil :)
Thanks for telling me, I am getting used toi the site and wanted to thank everybody who welcomed me here .... :)
You can't post answers one after the other. It's called spamming. Just edit previous reply to add new or wait till anyone respond to this thread. Yet it has some exceptions.
Also, you can quote any number of answers if you are replying to a particular post. Just make use of that 'quote' button. It will make answers more readable and less confussing
Hi UshaG- Pleased to see you back, I hope you are in process of writing/submitting a few articles on the site. Thanks..
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
13 years ago
Hi Sunil, Good morning :) I have submitted one short article and waiting to see how it goes.Not been published so far, I guess it takes a while.I have been busy with some personal work and did not log in the whole of yesterday...have a nice day Sunil :)
The process here is that articles are approved by editors whenever they find time but these go live mostly on Sundays when admin allots cash credit. So you can submit more and wait for Sunday.
13 years ago
while quoting answers, just place the cursor below the quote and then type your answer. By this way, your answer comes as reply of that post... these are just some tips I always love to share with new people
while quoting answers, just place the cursor below the quote and then type your answer. By this way, your answer comes as reply of that post... these are just some tips I always love to share with new people
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
Welcome to Boddunan Usha.That's true now a days people have choice to start their work on different sites and there are few indian sites too which are paying like forieg sites.Hope you enjoy here. :)
Hi SJ- Here is another one from, ML- Let others come back you shall have full team of ML here. Although not that many for the time being...... :)
13 years ago
Welcome to Boddunan Usha.That's true now a days people have choice to start their work on different sites and there are few indian sites too which are paying like forieg sites.Hope you enjoy here. :)
Thanks a lot Sanjeev, it is great to be here ! I had begun to feel as if I had developed roots in other sites where I have been writing for so long, needed some change...
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
13 years ago
Hai Usha....
I am happy...you stayed here. Really feeling nice to see some newly initiated threads also. Keep it up. Do find time whenever you can
I am happy...you stayed here. Really feeling nice to see some newly initiated threads also. Keep it up. Do find time whenever you can
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
Hai Usha....
I am happy...you stayed here. Really feeling nice to see some newly initiated threads also. Keep it up. Do find time whenever you can
Thanks a lot Sandhya, it is really nice knowing someone as active and cheerful as you are...all the best to you :)
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
13 years ago
Hai Usha....
I am happy...you stayed here. Really feeling nice to see some newly initiated threads also. Keep it up. Do find time whenever you can
Thanks a lot Sandhya, it is really nice knowing someone as active and cheerful as you are...all the best to you :)
Actually I do my best here. Yet I feel many threads are burying without getting much attention. So, kindly spend some time here :cheer:
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
Hai Usha....
I am happy...you stayed here. Really feeling nice to see some newly initiated threads also. Keep it up. Do find time whenever you can
Thanks a lot Sandhya, it is really nice knowing someone as active and cheerful as you are...all the best to you :)
Actually I do my best here. Yet I feel many threads are burying without getting much attention. So, kindly spend some time here :cheer:
I always try that no thread gets buried and always try to pull up those. :)
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
13 years ago
Hai Usha....
I am happy...you stayed here. Really feeling nice to see some newly initiated threads also. Keep it up. Do find time whenever you can
Thanks a lot Sandhya, it is really nice knowing someone as active and cheerful as you are...all the best to you :)
Actually I do my best here. Yet I feel many threads are burying without getting much attention. So, kindly spend some time here :cheer:
I always try that no thread gets buried and always try to pull up those. :)
Yet, some threads are getting buried :sick:
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Meera sandhu
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