Get some 'Sunshine Vitamin'

Covering up in the sun to protect against skin cancer could harm our health in other ways, say experts. Here’s how to get it right. For years we’ve had it drummed into us that we need to cover up and slap on the high SPF sunscreen in hot, sunny weather. But experts fear some people are taking it too far.

While it’s vital to protect your skin from damage, including skin cancer, a recent study published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) revealed that vitamin D deficiency is rising. People are getting far too little sun exposure, which the body needs to produce vitamin D, according to the study led by Professor Simon Pearce and Dr Time Cheetham.

It seems that years of sun-safety warnings have made us so terrified of skin cancer, we’re overcompensating by covering up too much – or staying out of the sun altogether. But this can cause bone problems – in extreme cases rickets and osteoporosis – depression and even weight gain.

That’s not to say we should ditch the sun cream.Whether you’re fair skinned or have olive skin that never burns, you should always wear at least factor 20 when you’re in the sun for longer than an hour, and never allow skin to burn.

However, it’s important to remember that small doses of unprotected sun exposure are vital. Experts say we need about 20 minutes a day to help bodies produce enough vitamin D, known as the “sunshine vitamin”. Here’s why you should get enough sun...

It strengthens teeth and bones
One of the main reasons vitamin D deficiency causes diseases like rickets and the brittle bones in osteoporosis is because it helps to regulate the amount of calcium in the body, vital for keeping teeth and bones strong. A lack of vitamin D often results in a lack of calcium, no matter how much milk or yogurt you have.

It reduces your risk of cancer
People with optimum levels of vitamin D have a 40% lower risk of getting cancer compared to people with very low levels, according to a study in the BMJ. That’s particularly breast, ovarian, prostate and colon cancers.

It helps you lose weight
Low levels of vitamin D are also associated with obesity, say researchers at the University of Minnesota. “Our results suggest the possibility of the addition of vitamin D to a reduced-calorie diet will lead to better weight loss,” says Shalamar Sibley, who led the study.

It found people starting a weight-loss diet have better results if they include plenty of vitamin D in their diet and get a bit of sunshine. Just remember: keep sun exposure safe by making sure it’s in small doses and not in the hottest part of the day.

It lifts mood
As the sun gets brighter and the days longer, our mood lifts. That’s because there’s a link between vitamin D from the sun and feel-good hormones in the body. This explains seasonal affective disorder and why gloominess often hits in dark and cold months.

Here's how to get what you need

Get a little sun
Make sure you step outside for 10 to 20 minutes every single day. Staying cooped up indoors is depressing for a reason – you get absolutely no vitamin D, which lowers the number of feel-good hormones in your body and brain.
If you’re worried about over-exposure, wear a hat and keep your shoulders covered.

Tweak your diet
Vitamin D is mainly found in oily fish such as salmon and mackerel, eggs, dairy products and breakfast cereals.
It can also be found in fortified margarines, liver and cod liver oil.
Try to include these foods in your diet, but if you’re struggling, then try a supplement.
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Sun is very helpful for our skin. Good information to share. Thanks for posting it here. I was having little knowledge before reading this article.

Want to make each day Accountable

It is very nice to stand in sun in the morning time when sunrises..People with weak bone can try this therapy as it really work of a person I know:

The person has very serious problem with weak bones and doctors declared that bones are becoming powdered.. :( Then she tried this

Drink a glass of milk and stand in sunshine for half an hour and after a week improvement was seen..This shows that calcium supplement will also improve. :)

Hope this information can be useful.
The Sunshine Vitamin

Vitamin D is known as the "sunshine vitamin" because the body manufactures the vitamin after being exposed to sunshine.

It is both a vitamin and a hormone,

Vitamin D, sometimes called Cholecalciferol, is the only vitamin that the body is capable of producing on its own. The only catch is that the body must be exposed to sunlight before it can produce this vitamin. It's not necessary to worship the sun to reap the vitamin-making benefits. An hour a week (Ten to 15 minutes of sunshine 3 times weekly) is generally adequate to produce the body's requirement of vitamin D. All of the body's other daily requirement of vitamins must come from the diet and/or via supplementation.
@ rajani
very good information Rajani...thanks for providing more information on sunshine vitamin and its benefit...
Thanks Neetu for this very informative post on sunshine and it immense health benefits!
Sun shine is definitely good for health. Sun bath was encouraged a decade ago and there would be many basking in sun on sea shores. Sun shine is principal source of vitamin D. Deficiency of this vitamin is causing fragility of bones. The orthopedists are the best beneficiaries of this.

while we may avoid scorching heat, it is good to bask and travel in sun.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Neetu and Rajani, thanks for some good information on this!!
Like rajani says, standing in early morning sun is very good adn healthy! Especially small babies should be exposed to early morning sun every day!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thanks for sharing this information.I make my children to play in open rather than indoor due to this.

Visit my blogs:
Abid Areacode wrote:
[quote]Thanks for sharing this information.I make my children to play in open rather than indoor due to this.[/quote]

It is better to encourage children to play outside in evening. During winter, sunshine is pleasant even in days. But we as well as children should protect themselves from scorching summer sunshine.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thanks for vital information shared here by Neetu and Rajani.Also,doctors advise new born babies to expose in sun for 10-15 minutes if they have yellowness in face and body.This has become very common in new born babies.
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