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its a very sad news. but god gave a life filled with so much happiness.
It waa unforgettable act by her in Titanic.
Oh! Thats sad. She is a very good actor... At the age of 100, she died of respiratory failure.. :(

Thanks 'n' Regards,
She died at a ripe age of 100.May her soul rest in peace!
its a very bad news.....may her soul rest in peace.....

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Rose lived for this much years to make us aware of Titanic for a long years again.

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Oh!That's really a sad news. May her soul rest in peace. No body can forget the movie Titanic.
I was thinking who was Rose..and though did the Titanic survivor still there...then after learning i can to know about this great actress..very sad news and hope her soul rest in peace..
Thanks for sharing this piece.
its really a sad news. Well i think she done good jobs in her lifetime. B)

Vijay U
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