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What a wasted bribing effort!Bribing 72 nations is nothing for us we can bribe one and all having mastered the art of it!!!
Oh God! Oh God! :(

Why did they do so... I think our officials wanted to bring a black mark on our nation...

All the arrangements are not yet completed.. :(
And the sports persons coming to India are not residing in the village yet. They are staying in hotels... :( :( :(

Thanks 'n' Regards,
When did our shamesless polticians bring honor for this country?They are parasites and live off the income and good names of others!!
This politician look for their own benefit rather than for our country.
It's neither our illiteracy nor our poverty which is the greatest hurdle to our progress but the venal politicians of this country are the formidable hurdles in our path.We must get rid of these parasites at the earliest!!
Yes chinmoy you are right this politician should be thrown out of the country.
good comparison

Thanks Neetu! I don't know of any other term to describe these dark creatures!!!
Yes chinmoy you have given a perfect comparision....

Its was better for politicians to work on infrastructure rather than bribing...

Damn these politicians...
Hmm!!! What can one expect for such people who are suffering from a disease called bribery and now they are spreading this disease to other nations...which is more dangerous than Swine Flu.. :)
That's well said,Rajani! Now these politicians should ask their conscience and I wonder if they have any!!
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