Despite the second highest growth in the world among major economies in 2009, India ranks 77 in Forbes Best Countries for Business list even as the US dropped from No. 2 to No. 9. "India is developing into an open-market economy, yet traces of its past autarkic policies remain," noted the US
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It should gain its rank to top 10...maybe due to lot of MNC this is happening.. :(
One of the most business-friendly environments can be found in New Zealand, ranked No. 3 (up from No. 5 last year), Forbes said.

Among the worst countries for business, Zimbabwe moved out of the bottom of the rankings this year thanks to Venezuela.

The ranking is based on 11 categories, including property rights, technology, corruption, red tape, investor protection and stock market performance.
It's a miserable rank! It seems our bureaucracy,red-tapism,myriad laws and regulation come in the way to have a better rank.
Nice to see India is climbing up that ladder, i think India has beaten China in this,.
I am not sure as I don't have the statistics ready with me but in terms of foreign investments China is far ahead of us.
Technology is one of the parameters. Until we get the break up, we cannot make concrete statements. China sucks on property rights.
That's right,Sajeetharan! We don't have any conclusive evidence to prove our progress in this area excepting the fact that some FIIs investments are coming in to our stock markets.
thanks for sharing the information sajee, hope to see india in top 10 ....77 a very poor rank...

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
nice threat sajee thanks for share this link with us.......................
We all live in a world which is becoming more and global in outlook. Most corporates in the US now depend on other countries to conduct their business. That also means that you need to be aware of opportunities of doing business elsewhere in the world.

Prime example of that is call center companies outsourcing their work to countries like India. A lot of manufacturing work is now done in China and Vietnam. These are so called third world countries with cultural and historical baggage.

Doing business internationally with all these companies in the world you need to be aware of the culture of these countries. In some countries that can be a barrier of language but in some countries that barrier may not be there. While doing business in India language is not a problem as it has almost everyone understanding English whereas doing business in China you need to even translate your name into a Chinese character so that they can understand the name.

Then there is the question of culture. You need to understand the culture and respect that. In fact it is the cultural insensitivity that can sometimes ruin a good business opportunity for you. To overcome that you need to make sure that you hire an expert who can train your employees about the culture of the country.

so india is improving on this factors
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