Animal welfare groups have accused Prince Harry for showing cruelty aganist animals with the fact that he rode on an injuried horse for a polo match.. :)
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I think the pride of royal blood has made him to ignore a poor animals blood.. :(
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Such cruelty is not uncommon amongst the blue-blooded people.It's a shame!!
yes chinmoy he is shameless and I wonder in foreign countries people always avoid harming animals due to strict laws but how come this guy havent thought..Maybe law is nothing for him :angry:
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They seem to be under a delusion that they have a divine right to make laws for others and not to follow them!!
Animal cruelty is an offence. Prince harry must be punished for his mistake.Hope atleast in their country everybody is equal in front of law.
All animal cruelty is a concern because it is wrong to inflict suffering on any living creature. Intentional cruelty is a particular concern because it is a sign of psychological distress and often indicates that an individual either has already experienced violence or may be predisposed to committing acts of violence.

It's true that all we are equal before the law but there are some who are more equal than the others!!
Animal cruelty... Thats very bad; whomsoever it is... All culprits should be treated equal before all.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Royal family members do take these things carelessly.. Its somewhat a pleasure for them.
They should be made to pay for their careless and mindless actions.In this republican age there is no such thing as royal licence!
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