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Smoke to take permanent rest.


Yes. You can relax, but for once and for all. What a relaxation
Really good picture.

We feel awesome when our exam is finish. We just got a great relief.

Be positive
Thank you said by: Mary
A boss asking a quesiton

Why you laid down only one egg today ?

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 10511]}

A very obliging and sincere cock that goes beyond limits to get a good appraisal.
Thank you said by: Mary
Life without fun is like a life of a monkey.
Thank you said by: Devyani Sarkar
Life without fun is like a life of a monkey.

I could not catch up with the thread. Will you please elaborate it
Thank you said by: Devyani Sarkar
Life without fun is like a life of a monkey.

I could not catch up with the thread. Will you please elaborate it

Monkey keeps on doing its work or repeats whatever we do without any fun. If human works without spending time for fun, he is like a monkey who keeps on working.
Where do your important files go, the question answered finally! :woohoo: :woohoo:

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 10517]}

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Life without fun is like a life of a monkey.

I could not catch up with the thread. Will you please elaborate it

This is very interesting mathematics. I feel it very funny. Nice joke! :woohoo: :silly: :lol: :P :whistle:
Thank you said by: Mary
Look at the brain of a medical student.

Have a look at this.

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