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Belt up.

Be quiet. Also,since the introduction of car seat belts-an injuction to fasten one's belt.

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The best laid schemes of mice and men.

The most carefully prepared plans may go wrong.

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Between a rock and a hard place.

In difficulty,faced with a choice between two unsatisfactory options.

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Between the devil and the deep blue sea.

In difficulty,faced with two dangerous alternatives.

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Between two stools.

Fail,due to being unable to choose between two alternatives.

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Between you,me and the bed-post.

A secret,something that only the speaker and the listener should know.

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Beware of Greeks bearing gifts

Don't trust your enemies.

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Beyond belief.

Outside the range of what is normally considered believable.

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Beyond our ken.

Beyond our understanding.

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Better late than never

To arrive or do something later than expected isn't good, but it is better than not at all.

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