14 years ago
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14 years ago
Why no one is interested to share views about this topic? :(
14 years ago
I think there has been very steep decline in the quality of teachers these days.When we talk of deterioration in the standards of students,the blame has to be laid at the doors of the teachers.
14 years ago
Yes i agree with chinmoy's statement.. :)
It is clear that teachers are deteriorated.
Many cases has been reported aganist teachers haressing students and giving very severe punishments which lead in death.
A teacher should set an example in many aspects to his disciple but now-a-days it is not happening.
It is clear that teachers are deteriorated.
Many cases has been reported aganist teachers haressing students and giving very severe punishments which lead in death.
A teacher should set an example in many aspects to his disciple but now-a-days it is not happening.
14 years ago
In olden days teaching was not considered as a profession. It was a service. But now a days the trend has changed. There is no service motto for teachers. :( So, the standard of education is also declining.
14 years ago
The Education system has deteriorated...
people can mug up, get good marks things have become superficial. parents also wan't only marks.. not knowledge. it is vicsious circle and a society problem
people can mug up, get good marks things have become superficial. parents also wan't only marks.. not knowledge. it is vicsious circle and a society problem
14 years ago
Good Morning to all my friends!
As teachers form the core of our education system, any deviation on their part from the correct path leads to malfunctioning of the system.
As teachers form the core of our education system, any deviation on their part from the correct path leads to malfunctioning of the system.
14 years ago
The present education system is not for educating, but to create a stressful situation to the students in the very tender age. For this, the teachers are also harrasing to make every student meet track.
Hope there should be change in the education system...
Hope there should be change in the education system...
Thanks 'n' Regards,
14 years ago
Yes chinmoy,
definately Teachers.Students are created and influenced by them. If they are good and teach correct values.students will pay respect to them.
definately Teachers.Students are created and influenced by them. If they are good and teach correct values.students will pay respect to them.
14 years ago
Ya as previously told the quality of teaching has come down, and so the students are getting more stressed out due to the improper handling done by teachers...
14 years ago
The job of a teacher is not a mere job.It's a mission and how many teachers would be able stand up to the lofty moral standards of yester years that's the question.
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